Department of Geology and Geophysics
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071-2000
Phone: (307) 766-4141
Fax: (307) 766-6679
Graduate Student Handbook (PDF)
Graduate Studies Progress Worksheet (PDF)
The MS degree requires successful completion of 26 credits of course work and 4 hours of thesis credit for a total of 30 hours (minimum). A master’s thesis is required. Master’s students have six calendar years to complete the degree. A master’s committee consists of three faculty members (minimum), including one external department member.
Required courses: Fundamental of Research (GEOL 5020) first semester in residence, 2 semesters (1 credit/sem) of Distinguished Lecture Series, and the 1 credit Rocky Mountain field trip.
First semester: Student and advisor meet to identify any background deficiencies. Deficiency coursework must be completed with a grade of B or better early in the student’s graduate residence.
Second Semester: Committee set up using School of Graduate Education link below, oral qualifying examination and program filed using MS qualifying examination form and MS Program of Study document. See links below for format.
Masters Program of Study (pdf)
Masters Oral Exam Requirements (doc)
Masters Qualifying Examination Form (pdf)
Final Semester: Oral presentation of the written thesis
Report of Final Examination Results
Additional Graduation Requirements:
Year | Fall | Spring | Summer |
1 | RMFT, FOR 2–3 classes |
Qualifier, DLS 2–3 classes |
Research |
2 | DLS 2–3 classes |
Research | Research |
RMFT-Rocky Mountain Field Trip; DLS-Distinguished Lecture Series; FOR-Fundamentals of Research
For any additional information, please visit the UW Graduate Student Resources page.
The PhD degree requires successful completion of 42 credits of course work and 30 hours of dissertation credit for a total of 72 hours (minimum). Previous course work from a previous graduate program may be considered for the Ph.D. Program with advisor approval. A Ph.D. committee consists of five faculty members (minimum) including one external department member.
Required courses: Fundamental of Research (GEOL 5020) first semester in residence, 2 semesters (1 credit/sem) of Distinguished Lecture Series, and the 1 credit Rocky Mountain field trip.
First semester: Student and advisor meet to identify any background deficiencies. Deficiency coursework must be completed with a grade of B or better early in the student’s graduate residence.
Second Semester: Committee set up using School of Graduate Education link below, oral qualifying examination and program filed using PhD qualifying examination form and PhD Program of Study document. See links below for format.
Ph.D. Oral Exam Requirements (doc)
Ph.D. Qualifying Examination Form (pdf)
Fourth or Fifth Semester: Preliminary Examination. This exam is scheduled following completion of 30 hours of 4000-level or higher coursework, not including independent study or research credits. Following successful completion of the Preliminary Examination, a student has 4 years to complete the degree.
Report on Preliminary Examination for Admission to Candidacy
Final Semester: Oral presentation of the written dissertation.
Report of Final Examination Results
Additional Graduation Requirements:
Year | Fall | Spring | Summer |
1 | RMFT, FOR 2–3 classes |
Qualifier, DLS 2–3 classes |
Research |
2 | DLS 2–3 classes |
PhD Proposal |
Research |
3 | 2–3 classes | 2–3 classes | Research |
4 | Research | Research | Research |
Note: Qualifier and PhD proposal exams can be retaken once if committee majority concurs.
RMFT-Rocky Mountain Field Trip; DLS-Distinguished Lecture Series; FOR-Fundamentals of Research
For any additional information, please visit the UW Graduate Student Resources page.
All Graduate Degrees: Five departmental credits are required for all graduate degrees: Fundamentals of Research course (GEOL-5020, 2 credits), two semesters of the Distinguished lecturer series (2 credits), and the Rocky Mountain geology field trip (1 credit).
MS in Geophysics: 26 credits of >4000 level UW coursework are required. To fulfill this: take the 5 credits of required department courses; take four required Geophysics classes (12 credits); pick two other geophysics courses (6 credits). In addition, 3 more credits are required in either geology, geophysics, mathematics, and physics. Finally, four credits of dissertation research are required.
PhD in Geophysics: 72 credits of >4000 level UW coursework are required. To fulfill this requirement: take Department required courses (5 credits); take 9 geophysics courses (27 credits) out of our 13 geophysics courses listed above. The rest of the credits are a mixture of dissertation and other course work (geology, geophysics, mathematics, physics). Up to 24 credits of appropriate MS course work maybe transferred from a prior degree.
Course work (credits) |
MS2 |
PhD3 |
Quantitative courses1 |
9 |
12 |
Geophysics courses |
9 |
15 |
Quantitative courses include seismology, physics, mathematics, and engineering courses.
MS degree requires successful completion of 26 credits of course work at the >4000-level and four credits of dissertation research (total 30 credits).
PhD degree requires 72 credits at the >4000-level from UW or equivalent credit transfers from another approved university. The 72-credit requirement may include graduate credits from a prior master's degree. But, at least 42 credits must be earned in formal course work and dissertation research credits.
UW & the Department of Geology & Geophysics are committed to encouraging timely completion of graduate degrees:
*Academic Affairs will entertain exemption requests to the above time limits on an individual basis.
Department of Geology and Geophysics
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071-2000
Phone: (307) 766-4141
Fax: (307) 766-6679