2023 CPNR Symposium

Collaboration & Water in Wyoming & the West — April 20th

     Hot Springs Hotel & Spa, Thermopolis, WY




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Open to the public



  • Provide an opportunity for collaborative practitioners and professionals to connect, learn, and identify opportunities to work together;

  • Explore the possibilities and challenges of collaborative approaches to complex problems by focusing on water; and

  • Explore the possibilities of collaborative approaches to solving water challenges in various sectors and at various scales. 

Pre-Symposium Webinars

In order to build shared understanding of a complex topic before the symposium, we are offering series of learning webinars on various topics related to water management in the West.

  • Anne MacKinnon (author of Public Waters: Lessons from Wyoming for the American West) — Fundamentals of Water in Wyoming: History, Politics, Current Rules and Context for Water Collaboration in Wyoming 

  • Dr. Imtiaz Rangwala — Climate Change and Water in the West on April 14 at 12:00 p.m. RSVP here.

  • TBD — Tribal Participation in the Colorado River Compact Negotiations

  • Check back later for more information. 

Draft Agenda

7-8:30am: Early bird coffee

7:30-8:30am: Wyoming Tribal History and Water Rights — Morning walk with Wes Martel (Greater Yellowstone Coalition/UW Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources)

8-8:45am: Break

8:45-9am: Setting the Stage: Water and Collaboration in Wyoming and the West — Deb Kleinman (Director of Collaboration Program in Natural Resources and Owner of Lupine Collaborative)

9-10am: Colorado River Compact Negotiations and the Colorado River Working Group — Jeff Cowley (Administrator Interstate Streams at WY State Engineer's Office)

10-10:15am: Break

10:15-11:15am: Climate and Water and Collaboration, WyACT — Corrie Knapp (Co-PI of WyACT and Assistant Professor, UW Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources)

11:15-12:15pm: Water*Energy Nexus: The Hydrogen Fuel Policy Challenge — Charles Nye (Research Scientist, UW School of Energy Resources Center for Economic Geology Research)

12:15-1:15pm: Lunch

1:15-2:15pm: Colorado Watershed Collaboratives: Facilitating Factors and Lessons Learned — Nicole Seltzer (Colorado River Basin Program Director, River Network)

2:15-4:30pm: Panel: Watershed Collaboratives in Wyoming and Colorado

  • Moderator: Deb Kleinman

  • Snake River Headwaters Initiative (Darren Rhea, WY Game and Fish & Leslie Steen, Trout Unlimited)

  • Upper Arkansas Watershed Partnership (Natalie Allio)

  • Healthy Rivers Initiative, Lander (Jennifer Lamb, TNC WY and/or Kelsey Beck, Popo Agie Conservation District)

4:30-5pm: What's Next for Water and Collaboration in Wyoming and the West?

5-6pm: Happy Hour and Cash Bar

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