Contact Us

UW Division of Kinesiology and Health

Corbett Building 119

Laramie , WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5284


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Current Graduate Student Resources

Division of Kinesiology and Health


Enrolled Student Resources

The University of Wyoming provides a multitude of resources to enhance your graduate career - or at least make your life easier! If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact your department's Office Associate(s), or call Academic Affairs at (307) 766-4286.


Kinesiology and Health, M.S.


Graduate Student Handbook

Graduate Student Assistants are bombarded with rules, policies, and information about college life in general. The Graduate Student Handbook will be shared with you at the beginning of your first semester and updated when necessary. This Handbook is designed to assist with learning the procedures used in the Division of Kinesiology and Health, College of Health Sciences, University of Wyoming. Please read the enclosed information as soon as you can. You will be amazed at the number of questions that will be answered for you in this booklet! 
Important information in the Handbook includes:
  • Program of study information for thesis and Plan B options
  • Typical 2-year timelines for completion of the MS degree
  • Semester-by-semester advising checklist
  • Graduate student learning standards and assessment
  • Graduate assistantship job description


Travel Awards

Division of Kinesiology and Health graduate students are encouraged to apply for up to $800 in funding to participate in professional meetings or conferences on a rolling basis. Examples include but are not limited to traveling to a professional meeting or conference to present research, receive an award, or participate in UW-sponsored group activities. This support does not include RMACSM or SHAPE America National Convention, which will be covered by other funding mechanisms.
When additional funding is available, the division may consider offering more than $800 for students who have essential needs. Under this circumstance, priorities will be given to students who will attend international conferences, students who have applied for other travel support, students who will receive an award or give an oral presentation, and students who have been in the graduate program longer.
To apply for this travel award, the student needs to obtain support from the advisor and submit the following documents to the graduate program coordinator and division head for review.
  1. Kinesiology and Health Travel Request & Reimbursement Form
  2. Documentation of Travel Purposes. For students who are presenting research or receiving awards, the notice of accepted abstracts or awards will fulfill this requirement. For students who are only attending the conference, a letter of application is required to describe how the conference will help enhance professional development and research experience.


Graduate Student Internship Procedure

  • A contract needs to be established between UW and the internship site. UW has established contracts with many potential internship sites. Please consult with your advisor and the graduate program coordinator to see whether a new contract needs to be established.
  • Submit the application forma background check, and a copy of your BLS/CPR certification card to the graduate program coordinator.
  • A letter of confirmation will be sent from the graduate program coordinator to the internship site supervisor.
  • The graduate program coordinator will process the required insurance for the graduate student.
  • The student will report internship hours twice (midterm and final) through WyoCourses for the graduate program coordinator to review.
  • The internship site supervisor will complete two evaluations (midterm and final) through the K&H graduate student website for the graduate program coordinator to review.

Graduate Student Internship Site Supervisor Evaluations


Due Date - no later than the end of week 9 (one week after mid-term)


Due Date - no later than week 16 (one week after the internship is completed) 

Contact Us

UW Division of Kinesiology and Health

Corbett Building 119

Laramie , WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5284


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