Library Classrooms & Learning Spaces

Library Instruction Classrooms

The purpose of the Libraries’ classroom spaces is library-hosted instruction. The Libraries does not provide space for recurring, non-library instruction. For questions about classrooms 216 or 218, please contact us.

  • Coe 216: Is designed with 30 desktop computers for library workshop and instruction where technology is an integral part of the material.  
  • Coe 218: Is a flexible space with 30 laptop computers and movable tables for library workshops and instruction that features more active learning.  
  • See the Classroom Policy for UW Libraries (PDF) for more information.

Coe Library Room 216 & 218

Students using classroom 216 in Coe Library

people in the media screening room


Library Media SCREENING Room, Coe Library 123

The purpose of the Library Media Screening Room is for the viewing of film, television, and other multimedia content to facilitate student learning at UW. The space is not a university classroom and is not available for recurring, semester length classes.

For technology support during business days and hours, contact Classroom Technology Support:



Media Screening Room Policies & Procedures


The Media Screening Room must be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance by filling out the reservation request form. The room capacity is 30; larger groups should seek a different venue. 
Priority for use of the facility is given to course or curriculum-related media screening. If scheduling conflicts arise, priority will be given in the following order (1) faculty screening media for a course, (2) Libraries, (3) students screening media for a course, and (4) other campus needs outside of course activities. 
No fees or admission, including donations, may be collected for screenings in the Media Screening Room, nor can free screenings be given in conjunction with an event that charges admission. Screenings as part of a class are covered under Fair Use, but other public screenings require purchase of a public performance license in order to remain in compliance with federal copyright laws, specifically Federal Copyright Act, Title 17, Sections 101  and  110. See more information about Public Peformance Rights.
Groups using library space may rearrange furniture, but must return area to its original arrangement. Library personnel are not available to move furniture. It is highly recommended that the individual responsible for use of the room acquaint themselves with the technology prior to the screening. Library personnel are not available to provide on-demand technology support. 
Individuals may bring their food and drink in to the room. Groups (i.e. classes) planning to serve refreshments during room use must clean up after themselves. This includes wiping down table and desk tops and depositing trash in receptacles. Cleaning wipes and trash cans are available in the room. In the event of damage or cleaning costs beyond normal UW janitorial service, the Libraries reserve the right to charge a fee. UW Libraries should be notified in writing if food/drink is being planned for events open to the public. Per UW policy, University Catering should be given first right of refusal.
Check out our Quick Start Guide (PDF) for instructions on how to use the lighting and Crestron system


EXHIbit Space

UW Libraries supports hosting exhibits by University of Wyoming students, faculty, staff, and other educational partners. Wall space for exhibits is available on Levels 2 and 3 of Coe Library. Secure lighted glass display cases are also available on Level 3 (five lockable glass-front sections, each 5’ high x 3’ wide, with three adjustable shelves per section). These areas are also used for library displays and require reservations in advance. For questions related to exhibit space please contact the Dean's Office and view the Exhibit Guidelines (PDF). See our events calendar for current and upcoming exhibits.

Exhibit space is located on the 2nd & 3rd floor of Coe Library

exhibit glass case on the third floor of Coe Library

UW Libraries

Connect with us:

Dept. 3334
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
(307) 766-3190
(800) 442-6757