About Research Data Management
Research data management (or RDM) is a term that describes the organization, storage,
preservation, and sharing of data collected and used in a research project. It involves
the everyday management of research data during the lifetime of a research project
and decisions about how data will be preserved and shared after the project is completed.
The Libraries provide a number of resources and services that support the use, preparation,
management, curation, and preservation of research data. We apply best practices for
managing data and provide services for any stage of the research process. We can
consult with you or your research team, and offer an array of workshops on various
data topics. For help with your data management needs, email Chad Hutchens, Head of Digital Collections. The Data Management Services are an evolving set of services, and we welcome your
feedback on them, as well as your input on what kinds of data management services
you would find most valuable.
Example Consultation Topics:
- Data Management Plans for grants
- Choosing and using software to clean, visualize, or share data either internally or
via a website
- Depositing and sharing data via our data repository, Wyoming Data Repository
- Incorporating data or data literacy into your classroom
Institutional Data Repository
The University of Wyoming maintains Wyoming Data Repository, an open-access institutional
repository. Wyoming Data Repository holds a variety of material, including research
data. The goal of the University of Wyoming’s data collections within Wyoming Data
Repository is to encourage the dissemination of research data by making these materials
open access. The collection houses data created by University of Wyoming students,
faculty, staff, and University of Wyoming affiliates in the course of their research.
Data Management Plans
A data management plan (DMP) is a written document that describes the data you expect
to acquire or generate during the course of a research project, how you will manage,
describe, analyze, and store those data, and what mechanisms you will use at the end
of your project to share and preserve your data. Many grant applications now require
a data management plan, which will help you manage your data, meet funder requirements,
and help others use your data if shared.
The University of Wyoming is a participating institution of DMPTool, an online application
that helps researchers create data management plans that comply with funder and institution
To access the tool, go to DMPTool and click “Sign In”. Select sign-in option 1, since the university is affiliated.
Search for “Wyoming”, select the University of Wyoming, and click “Go”. You will then
be asked to log in with your UWyo credentials.
For more information on creating data management plans or using DMPTool, check out
this recorded webinar on writing a DMP.
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