Scholarly Profiles & Research Impact

Scholarly identity

As researchers, we constantly try to enhance our scholarly impact and expertise. Managing your online scholarly profile makes your expertise more discoverable, shares your research with broad audiences, and allows you to connect with other scholars for collaborative projects.  UW digital initiatives supports digital scholarship and can help to create more visibility for your work and your scholarly identity. 

ORCID iD is the recommended scholarly profile service for University of Wyoming faculty and students and can be easily integrated with other researcher profile services such as Researcher ID (Publons), SciENcv/BioSketch, and Scopus ID. It is commonly required for federal grant funding, such as funding from the NIH. It can also be used to populate your WyoFolio/WyoVita. More information about ORCID and how to set up your profile can be found on our ORCID guide 

Research and impact metrics

The impact of your scholarship can be measured in a variety of ways including citation metrics, your h-index, and altmetrics. Constructing a narrative around the impact of your work is often an important part of tenure and promotion review, grant proposals, and other academic opportunities. Understanding these metrics, and how to track these metrics over time, will allow you to leverage your work and capitalize on scholarship opportunities. Below is a brief summary of some of the most common impact metrics. For more information on how to track and boost your impact metrics, schedule a consultation with the Digital Scholarship Librarian.

Research Impact Metrics

Citation Metrics

How often an article was cited in other articles, books, or other sources. Citation rates are heavily dependent on the discipline and the number of people working in that area.


The definition of the index is that a scholar with an index of h has published h papers, each of which has been cited in other papers at least h Thus, the h-index reflects both the number of publications and the number of citations per publication.


Alt-metrics (aka, alternative metrics) are metrics and qualitative data that are complementary to traditional, citation-based metrics, such as impact factor and h-index. They can include (but are not limited to) citations on Wikipedia and in public policy documents, discussions on research blogs, mainstream media coverage, bookmarks on reference managers like Mendeley, and mentions on social networks such as Twitter.


Copyright and fair use

While Librarians cannot provide legal advice regarding copyright compliance, we can provide tools to assist with interpreting guidelines and documenting ownership and/or compliance with copyright regulations. Whether you are a student undertaking a text mining project or faculty member who wants to show a movie in class, you should familiarize yourself with the legal implications of using copyrighted materials. 

Copyright protects a wide range of materials such as books, articles, photographs, paintings, music, sound recordings, websites, emails; copyright can apply to any original work of authorship that is fixed in any tangible means of expression. Works are automatically protected, no copyright notice is required. Copyright law provides some exceptions to the rights of copyright owners. “Fair Use” is one such exception, but does not apply to all educational uses of copyrighted materials. The library is able to consult with members of the University of Wyoming community on issues related to copyright, just “Ask A Librarian”.


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