Welcome to the homepage of the Computations for Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Laboratory in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Wyoming! At CAMML, our efforts focus on developing computational tools to understand how materials respond and evolve during their lifespans, from manufacturing to service and eventually failure. We concentrate our efforts to understand 1) how certain manufacturing process affect the microstructure; 2) what is the relevant deformation mechanisms at the material microscale associated with a certain microstructure; 3) once fabricated into structural components, how the structures behave when subjected to various loading conditions.
Multiscale modeling of solids and structures
Crystal plasticity finite element modeling of deformation and damage in advanced alloys
IGFEM-based interface damage modeling in composites
Reduced-order multiscale modeling and optimization
Multiphysics modeling of manufacturing process
Composite manufacturing process based on frontal polymerization, and its application in 3D printing
Microstructure evolution during metal 3D printing
February 20, CAMML is awarded the prestigious NSF CAREER Award, entitled "CAREER: Multiscale Reduced Order Modeling and Design to Elucidate the Microstructure-Property-Performance Relationship of Hybrid Composite Materials". This award will allow his team to leverage the multiscale modeling and design expertise at CAMML, and partner with the ME department, SoC, ARCC, WyrkShop, Idaho National Laboratory and industry partners, to conduct a series fully integrated research, ecuation, outreach and workforce development in the next five years. Congratulations!
January 15, new graduate students Md Mahmudul Hasan Mollah (Ph.D.), Md Mahruf Hossain (Ph.D.), and Bashant Bist (M.Sc.) join CAMML! Welcome!
December 30, our paper entitled "Modeling of through-thickness FP and VaSC: impact of sacrificial fiber configurations" is published on Composites Science and Technology! Congratulations!
November 1, Zhuoting delivered a presentation at the IMECE being held in New Orleans, LA. The title of her presentation is: “A Numerical Study on Closed-Loop Control System for Frontal Polymerization-Assisted Layer-by-Layer Additive Manufacturing”.
November 20, Dr. Zhang was selected as a Faculty Scholars of the Nuclear Energy Research Center, for his project “A Study of Combined Thermal and Irradiation Creep of Nickel-Based Alloy for Nuclear Structural Application: Multi-scale Modeling, Uncertainty Quantification and Experimental Investigation,”. See NERC news! Congratulations!
September 28, CAMML receives Phase II funds from School of Energies Resources (SER) to investigate hydraulic fracture in Mowry Shale, with project title: “Modeling and design of hydraulic fractures for reduced uncertainty and increased productivity in Mowry Petroleum System”. See SER news! Congratulations!
July 24, Dr. Zhang delivered a presentation at the USNCCM, being held in Albuquerque, NM. The title of his presentation is : “Adaptive Eigendeformation-Based Reduced-Order Homogenization Model for Composite Materials Under Volumetric and Interfacial Damage”.
June 8, Dr. Zhang delivered a presentation at the USNCCM, being held in Atlanta, GA. The title of his presentation is : “A paradigm for fast exploring material response space considering microstructure statistics and application to composite materials”.
Xiang Zhang, Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Department
Room 335B, EERB
1000 E. University
Dept. 3295
Laramie, WY 82071
EmaiL: xiang.zhang@uwyo.edu
Phone: 307-766-42381000
Fax: 307.766.2695