Molecular Biology
University of Wyoming
Department #3944 1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-3300
Fax: (307) 766-5098
The Molecular Biology Department’s seminar program is one of the very best on campus.
We make a strong effort to bring in visiting scientists who can provide a entertaining,
enlightening, and current research report on an important area of molecular biology.
Shown below is a listing of the current semester’s seminar speakers.
Seminars start at 2:10 pm and are held in the Berry Center Auditorium - Room 138.
Date |
Speaker |
Institution |
Title |
Host |
9/6/2024 |
Cole Stevens |
University Of Mississippi |
Expansion and application of synthetic biology tools for natural products discovery from myxobacteria |
Wall |
9/13/2024 |
Roland Dunbrack |
Temple University |
“Structural bioinformatics and AlphaFold modeling of human protein kinases and their interactions” |
Fay |
9/20/2024 |
Michelle Longworth |
Case Western University |
“Hiding in the genome: Exploring roles for retrotransposons and endogenous retroviruses in developmental disorders and disease.” |
Schoborg |
9/27/2024 |
Iva Greenwald |
Columbia University |
"Inter-organ signaling and environmental regulation of developmental progression in C. elegans" |
Fay |
10/4/2024 |
Shelley Copley |
UC Boulder |
“Evolution of Novel Metabolic Pathways (The Power of Promiscuity)” |
Bowman |
10/11/24 |
Parameswaran Ramakrishnan |
Case Wester University |
Bittersweet regulation of the Immune System by O- GlcNAcylation: Molecular mechanism with potential therapeutic applications |
Jarvis |
10/18/24 |
Mathew Taliaferro |
University of Colorado |
"Uncovering the regulatory language of RNA localization". |
Gatlin |
10/25/24 |
Ksenia Krasileva |
UC Berkeley |
"From natural variation to precise modifications of plant immune receptors" |
Park |
11/1/24 |
Eric Song |
Yale |
"Invoking immune responses in the central nervous system with lymphatic modulation" |
Jarvis |
11/8/2024 |
Erich Jaeger |
Ulitma Genomics |
"NeXT Personal: An ultra- sensitive test for detection of circulating tumor DNA." |
Bowman |
11/15/24 |
Niels Bradshaw |
Brandeis University |
How to handle stress: lessons from B. subtilis |
Bowman |
11/22/24 |
Chris Snow |
Colorado State University |
“Biomolecular Design of High-Precision Biomaterials and Intracellular Probes” |
Fay |
12/6/2024 |
Volkan Koseoglu |
Wake Forest University Med Center |
“Mechanisms Regulating Shigella Dissemina tin in the Colon.” |
Gomelsky |
Date |
Speaker & Affiliation |
Title |
Host |
1/19/24 |
Dr. Jay Gatlin & Dr. Grant Bowman Department of Molecular Biology, University of Wyoming |
Introduction to MOLB Seminar |
N/A |
1/26/24 |
Dr. Matt Shoulders |
Collagen Proteostasis in Health and Disease |
Don Jarvis |
2/2/24 |
Dr. Lydia Heasley Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus |
Exploring the complex and dynamic landscape of the eukaryotic genome. |
Jay Gatlin |
2/9/24 |
Dr. Chris Waters Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Michigan State University |
Cyclic di-nucleotides: From cholera to cancer |
Mark Gomelsky |
2/16/24 |
Dr. Liam Holt Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, New York University |
Thomas Boothby |
2/23/24 |
Dr. Nicole Koropatkin Departments of Biological Chemistry + Microbiology and Immunology, University of Michigan |
Crowdsourcing for carbs: A molecular view of bacterial starch digestion in the human gut |
Don Jarvis |
3/1/24 |
Dr. Evan Lind Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Oregon Health & Science University |
Targeting the Immune Microenvironment in Acute Myeloid Leukemia |
Jason Gigley |
3/8/24 |
Dr. Jacqueline Abranches DN-Oral Biology, University of Florida |
The Multifaceted Nature of Streptococcus mutans Collagen Binding Protein Cnm |
Dan Wall |
3/15/24 |
No Seminar |
3/22/24 |
Dr. Saumya Saurabh Department of Chemistry, New York University |
Grant Bowman |
3/29/24 |
Dr. Steve Caplan Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Nebraska Medical Center |
David Fay |
4/5/24 |
Dr. Lauren Porter National Library of Medicine + National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Institutes of Health |
Exploring unknown regions of protein fold space |
Sil Sanchez-Martinez, Boothby Lab |
4/12/24 |
Dr. Federica Brandizzi Department of Plant Biology, Michigan State University |
Eliminating stress from plant biosynthetic organelles for a healthy and sustainable future |
Eunsook Park |
4/19/24 |
No Seminar |
4/26/24 |
Dr. Sarah Siegrist Department of Biology, University of Virginia |
Todd Schoborg |
5/3/24 |
Dr. Ute Romling Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, Karolinska Institute |
Aili Wang, Gomelsky Lab |
Molecular Biology
University of Wyoming
Department #3944 1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-3300
Fax: (307) 766-5098