Contact Us

    Arts and Sciences/Native American and Indigenous Studies

    Native American Education Research and Cultural Center, Rm 117, 200 S 10th St

    Laramie, WY 82071

    Phone: 307-766-2733

    Fax: 307-766-2555

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    Undergraduate Minor

    Native American & Indigenous Studies Program

    The Native American & Indigenous Studies Program offers an 18 credit hour undergraduate academic minor.  This interdisciplinary course of study examines Native North American cultural and social life from both historical and contemporary perspectives.

    See also:
    University Catalog (NAIS)
    Semester Class Schedules

    NAIS Undergraduate Minor Requirements

    12 credit hours (3 of which must come from either NAIS 1001 or 1350)

    NAIS 1001     Foundations in American Indian Studies
    NAIS 1350     American Indians in Contemporary Society
    NAIS 2210     North American Indians
    NAIS 2290     History of North American Indians
    NAIS 2340     Native American Culture and Literature

    Elective NAIS Classes 6 hours required (See University Catalog)


    Declaring an NAIS Undergraduate Minor

    Please complete and submit the "Change of Adviser, Major, Minor, Option/Concentration, College, and or Graduate Status" form available on the Office of the Registrar's website.


    Contact Us

    Arts and Sciences/Native American and Indigenous Studies

    Native American Education Research and Cultural Center, Rm 117, 200 S 10th St

    Laramie, WY 82071

    Phone: 307-766-2733

    Fax: 307-766-2555

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