Today I join my fellow classmates in the Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing and pledge my commitment to the highest professional and academic standards of the nursing profession.
I pledge my dedication to a profession that is responsible for the lives of others. As a professional nurse, I recognize that I will be accountable to the public for my actions. I will work to safeguard the health and welfare of clients who have placed their trust in me.
I am committed to work together with my peers and to be supportive in my pursuit of excellence in nursing education. I vow to behave ethically, honestly, professionally, and with integrity in all my learning endeavors. As a student of nursing, I will promote ethical behavior and report unethical behavior.
As a future professional nurse and representative of the Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing I pledge to treat fellow students, faculty, staff, clients, and community partners with dignity and respect while taking into consideration diversity in values and beliefs.
I pledge to advocate for clients in need and to embrace the complex role of the professional nurse. I will be a living role model for others. I recognize that my responsibility for acquiring new knowledge does not end with graduation but will be a lifelong endeavor.