Forage Identification: Orchardgrass
Department of Plant Sciences
Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.)
Adaptation: Perennial cool season bunchgrass. Orchardgrass has its origin in Eurasia and needs
at least 18 inches of precipitation. Orchardgrass performs well on different textured
soils ranging from clay to gravely loams and on shallow to deep soils. It does not
grow well in saline soils and areas with high water tables. This grass has little
drought tolerance and little winter hardiness. It does have good heat and shade tolerance.
It can be planted in soils with a pH between 5.5 and 8.2. Very compatible with legumes.
Growth Habitat: Cool season, perennial bunch growth habitat. It has slow establishment into a mature
sod due to the development of a more extensive root system.
Plant Characteristics: This is a tall bunch type grass. It has a papery membrane where the leaf attaches
to the main stem that tears as a plant heads out. Leaf blades are flat, have a smooth
surface and rough edges, and are folded in a whorl. The leaf sheath is flat and usually
smooth. Leaf collar is broad and divided. Stems grow upright and are smooth. The stem
base is flattened and cross section of the leaf blade is V shaped. Grows between 24
and 48 inches tall.
Seed Characteristics: Light tan color. Keel shaped, lemma pointed and twisted. The best time to seed is
March 1st through May 1st or August 1st through September 1st.
Important Identifying Characteristics: Spikelets in close cluster looks somewhat like a rabbits foot. Leaf shape V shaped
when young and flat when mature.
Primary Uses: Pasture and hay.