Forage Identification - Grasses

   Department of Plant Sciences

This page shows pictures of grasses that are ideal for forage.

Move your mouse over a grass picture and click. This will take you to a page that has specific information.


Blue grama Buffalograss Creeping meadow foxtail Crested wheatgrass
Blue grama Buffalograss Creeping meadow foxtail Crested wheatgrass
Intermediate wheatgrass Orchardgrass Pubescent wheatgrass Reed canarygrass
Intermediate wheatgrass Orchardgrass Pubescent wheatgrass Reed canarygrass
Russian wildrye Smooth brome Tall fescue Tall wheatgrass
Russian wildrye Smooth bromegrass Tall fescue Tall wheatgrass
Timothy Western wheatgrass    
Timothy Western wheatgrass    
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