Procurement & Payment Services
Dept. 3605
1000 East University Avenue
Hill Hall, Room 620
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-5233
Procurement Services Email:
Payment Services Email:
P-Card Email:
The most common reasons for declining transactions and/or exceptions needed on P-Cards are listed below. Please review the following information, check your UMB account, and take the appropriate action provided. If you feel your situation is not addressed below, please email us at
To check your card balance, transactions, and monthly cycle limit, call the customer service line (1-888-494-5141) found on the back of your card.
1) There are not enough remaining funds in monthly cycle limit balance.
If you would like to request a temporary increase to your monthly credit cycle limit,
please have your department head/director send an email to describing the amount of the increase, why the increase is needed, and the term of
the temporary increase.
As of note, monthly cycle limit amounts reset the first of every month.
2) The purchase is over the single transaction limit.
The default transaction limit for the majority of P-Cards is $4,999 per transaction.
Transactions over $4,999 need to be completed through the requisition/purchase order
If you would like to request an exception to your single transactions limit, please send an email to describing why the purchase cannot go on a purchase order, what the purchase is, what the purchase is for, the supplier’s name, and the amount.
3) The purchase is for a restricted merchant category code or your card is declining
for fraud.
If the above scenarios do not apply to your purchase and you believe that the supplier
may be a restricted category or your card is declining for fraud, please send an email
to describing what the purchase is, what the purchase is for, the supplier’s name, and
the amount.
*Note that additional follow-up questions and/or approvals may be needed to assess
and resolve your request.
Procurement & Payment Services
Dept. 3605
1000 East University Avenue
Hill Hall, Room 620
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-5233
Procurement Services Email:
Payment Services Email:
P-Card Email: