Contact Us
Procurement & Payment Services
Dept. 3605
1000 East University Avenue
Hill Hall, Room 620
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-5233
Procurement Services Email:
Payment Services Email:
P-Card Email:
Procurement Card misuse is broadly defined as using a procurement card in violation of university policies and procedures. When a Procurement Card violation occurs, a Procurement Card Violation Notification Form will be completed by the Cardholder, their Approval Authority and Procurement Services. The Procurement Card Violation Notification Form includes the type of violation, the cardholder’s explanation of the violation, if a reimbursement is needed, and the next steps taken with the cardholder.
See the Procurement Card Violation and Reimbursement Process DAPP for more details.
P-Card Violation identified by the department/cardholder and the P-Card Violation Notification Form is completed.
Violation can also be identified by Procurement & Payment Services
Completed P-Card Violation Notification Form with Cardholder’s and Approval Authority’s signatures and all related receipts are emailed to Procurement Services at for review.
Procurement Services reviews and determines if the cardholder needs to reimburse the University of Wyoming for the purchase and what the next steps are for the cardholder.
If no reimbursement is needed, then Procurement Services will retain form and advise next steps for the cardholder.
Copy of the P-Card violation notification form and all related receipts should be attached to expense report.
If a reimbursement is deemed necessary by Procurement Services, then the cardholder will be asked to write a check payable to University of Wyoming and will send the check to Procurement Services within 30 days of the notification. Payments not received after 30 days will be sent for payroll deduction.
Dept 3605, Hill Hall Rm 620
If the reimbursement needs to be reconciled to one (or more) GL account string and one (or more) PPM account string, two separate checks will need to be written as one will be deposited at the Cashier’s Office and the other would be sent to OSP, respectively.
Copies of both the P-Card violation notification form and reimbursement payment receipt should be attached to the expense report along with the related receipt(s).
Contact Us
Procurement & Payment Services
Dept. 3605
1000 East University Avenue
Hill Hall, Room 620
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-5233
Procurement Services Email:
Payment Services Email:
P-Card Email: