North of the greenhouse complex, the Plant Growth & Phenotyping Facility is complemented by a spacious research penthouse housing two spacious walk-in chambers and a range of laboratory spaces meant to support the activities for all users.
Potting Room: this large room and receptacle serve as a centralized area for all users of the facility. The room is equipped with all essential materials, from scales and tools to a wide range of disposable, ensuring for a dedicated space for each user to prepare their experimental pots, beds, and media.
Cold Room: this is a very large walk-in cooler with lights is designed to maintain a temperature range between -20°C to 5°C and it is heavily insulated to prevent the transfer of heat from the outside environment. Here, arctic species can be grown, and the space can also be used for seeds stratification, plants’ vernalization, or for short-term storage of plant samples and harvest.
Dark Room: a small room that can serve for seed germination and experimental work with light and fluorescence.
Chem Room: a clean room deployed with a fume hood and fire cabinets for solution preparation and a space for wet lab chemistry.
To complete the research spaces, the facility is equiped with an autoclave room and dirty room for final harvesting and cleaning of all pots and materials used for the experiments.