Contact Us


    Office Hours:

    Mon-Fri 8:00 - 5:00 (School Year)

    Mon-Fri 7:30 - 4:30 (Summer)

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Dept. 4320

    242 Hill Hall

    Laramie, WY 82071

    Phone: 307.766.6381

    Fax: 307.766.3792


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    Affiliated Programs

    Science and Mathematics Teaching Center

    Ellbogen Center for Teaching and Learning - The mission of the ECTL is to promote, support and evaluate the active pursuit of teaching and learning excellence for UW's instructional community through a broad range of research-based programs, services and resources

    Haub School of Environmental and Natural Science  (ENR) -The mission of the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) is to advance the understanding and resolution of complex environmental and natural resources challenges.

    Social Justice Research Center -The Social Justice Research Center (SJRC) at the University of Wyoming is an interdisciplinary center dedicated to the generation of scholarship connected to addressing practical and theoretical questions arising from the pursuit of social justice.

    Wyoming Ag in the Classroom (WAIC) - Our vision is a future in which the interdependence of people, agriculture and natural resources is recognized and valued. The mission of Wyoming Agriculture in the Classroom is to develop an understanding of agriculture and natural resources through education. In 2011 WAIC became a self-sustaining non-profit organization with the hiring of a fulltime Executive Director. Wyoming Agriculture in the Classroom no longer has an employee within the Wyoming Department of Agriculture but greatly values the current partnership with WDA. Our organization continues to grow foundational programs with a priority placed on development of curriculum for Wyoming classrooms.

    Wyoming's Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) - is a program funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support researchers, students, and institutions in Wyoming by building a robust and diverse research educational infrastructure in the state by supporting and facilitating programs.

    Wyoming Geographic Alliance (WGA) - founded in 1990, is one of the 52 state-based alliances sponsored by the National Geographic Society. The goal of the WGA is to improve geography education in Wyoming. The WGA provides professional development programs for teachers, publishes a newsletter, distributes teaching materials, acts as a clearinghouse for curriculum materials and organizes National Geographic Awareness Week in Wyoming. The WGA is housed at the Department of Geography of the University of Wyoming.

    Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center (WyGISC) - is an interdisciplinary research institute at the University of Wyoming focused on the development of geospatial information and technologies and their applications in science, education, government and business. Their mission is to advance the knowledge and application of geographic information science and technology through research, education, and service. WyGISC aspires to become a premiere interdisciplinary academic center in geographic information science research and education, while strengthening our unique leadership role in service and outreach to the university, state and region.

    Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium - sponsors educational and research programs in the state of Wyoming in support of NASA's missions. We also serve as a link between citizens of the state and NASA programs. Wyoming Space Grant Consortium is one of 52 consortia representing each state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.  Our programs include research fellowships for students at Wyoming's 2- and 4-year colleges, scholarship programs for community college students pursuing math and science careers, resources for Wyoming's K-12 teachers, and educational programs for the general public.

    Wyoming Council of Teachers of Mathematics (WCTM) - is a voice that speaks out on behalf of mathematics teachers and students.  WCTM provides leadership, grant opportunities, and the latest news on professional development.

    Wyoming School-University Partnership - The mission of the Wyoming School-University Partnership is to implement the collaborative efforts of the University of Wyoming, member school districts, the state department of education, and the community colleges in carrying out simultaneously the improvement of teacher education and the renewal of public schools.

    Wyoming Science Teachers Association (WSTA) - To serve as a voice for the science teaching community.  To build a network of educators dedicated to professional growth and the promotion and implementation of advances in science education.  To improve the public's image of professional science educators.  To be a communications network for science educators.  To play a leadership role in science education training.  To promote among all teachers a genuine concern for the total development of each student.  To work cooperatively with other professional groups.  To provide opportunities for professional growth.

    Contact Us


    Office Hours:

    Mon-Fri 8:00 - 5:00 (School Year)

    Mon-Fri 7:30 - 4:30 (Summer)

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Dept. 4320

    242 Hill Hall

    Laramie, WY 82071

    Phone: 307.766.6381

    Fax: 307.766.3792


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