Room 4079A, Engineering
Laramie, WY
Phone: 307-766-5234
Curriculum Vitae
PhD, University of Wyoming, Mechanical Engineering (2018)
MS, Columbia University, Applied Mathematics (2013)
BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Mathematics (2011)
In the School of Computing, I collaborate with researchers across campus to help elevate their high-performance computing needs through the use of UWYO's ARCC and the NWSC's supercomputing resources. I do research in scientific computing on massively parallel supercomputers including NWSC's Cheyenne and Derecho, as well as at leadership-class computing facilities such as Summit (OLCF), Perlmutter (NERSC), Mira (ALCF), Eagle (NREL), and TX-GAIA (MIT).
I’m leading research projects in the fields of Wind Energy and Aerospace, including work with NREL and NASA. In the past, I worked at MIT Lincoln Laboratory in the Supercomputing Group (LLSC), as a Postdoctoral Associate developing advanced parallel algorithms for Deep Learning.
I did my Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Wyoming under the direction of Professor Dimitri Mavriplis where I worked on the development of high-order numerical methods for multi-scale computational fluid dynamics problems. During my Ph.D. studies, I was fortunate to be selected as an NSF Blue Waters Graduate Fellow, in which I performed the highest-fidelity blade-resolved wind farm simulations to date on leadership-class supercomputers! Additionally, I spent several months working with the U.S. ARMY’s CREATE-AV HELIOS Team at NASA Ames Research Center on my doctoral research.
Before changing to the dark side of computational mathematics and engineering, I did an M.S. at Columbia University in Applied Mathematics, and a B.S. in Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
2023–: Research Scientist, School of Computing University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
2022-2023: Subcontractor, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO
2020-2023: Research Scientist, Scientific Simulations, LLC., Laramie, WY
2020: Teaching Fellow, Institute for Applied and Computational Science, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
2019-2020: Postdoctoral Research Associate, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA
2018-2019: Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
2016-2017: NSF Blue Waters Graduate Fellow, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne
2014-2016: Visiting Research Scientist, NASA Ames Research Center, US Army CREATE-AV, Mountain View, CA
In the School of Computing, I collaborate with researchers across campus to help elevate their high-performance computing needs through the use of UWYO's ARCC and the NWSC's supercomputing resources. I do research in scientific computing on massively parallel supercomputers including NWSC's Cheyenne and Derecho, as well as at leadership-class computing facilities such as Summit (OLCF), Perlmutter (NERSC), Mira (ALCF), Eagle (NREL), and TX-GAIA (MIT).
I’m leading research projects in the fields of Wind Energy and Aerospace, including work with NREL and NASA. In the past, I worked at MIT Lincoln Laboratory in the Supercomputing Group (LLSC), as a Postdoctoral Associate developing advanced parallel algorithms for Deep Learning.
I did my Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Wyoming under the direction of Professor Dimitri Mavriplis where I worked on the development of high-order numerical methods for multiscale computational fluid dynamics problems. During my Ph.D. studies, I was fortunate to be selected as an NSF Blue Waters Graduate Fellow, in which I performed the highest-fidelity blade-resolved wind farm simulations to date on leadership-class supercomputers! Additionally, I spent several months working with the U.S. ARMY’s CREATE-AV HELIOS Team at NASA Ames Research Center on my doctoral research.
Before changing to the dark side of computational mathematics and engineering, I did an M.S. at Columbia University in Applied Mathematics, and a B.S. in Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.