Adjunct & Emeritus Professors

fed bindi giving a lecture for SPPAIS

Adjunct Professor
Research Interests: European Studies, Transatlantic Relations

picture of tanja Borzel

Dr. Tanja Börzel

Adjunct Professor
Research Interests: European Integration

picture of Dr. Winberg Chai

Dr. Winberg Chai

Emeritus Professor

picture of Dr. Jim King

Dr. James King

Emeritus Professor
Arts & Sciences Building 327
307-766-6239 |
Research Interests: American Government & Politics

picture of Garth Massey

Dr. Garth Massey

Emeritus Professor

Curriculum Vitae

Picture of Dr. Margaret Murdock in front of a blank wall

Dr. Margaret Murdock

Emeritus Professor

picture of thomas risse

Dr. Thomas Risse

Adjunct Professor
Research Interests: International & Transnational Relations, Foreign & Security Policy

Picture of Dr. Stephen Ropp in front of a blank background

Dr. Stephen Ropp

Emeritus Professor

Picture of Dr. Alan Schenker

Dr. Alan Schenker

Associate Emeritus Professor

Picture of Dr. Pete Simpson

Dr. Pete Simpson

Emeritus Vice President

Picture of Dr. Oliver Walter in front of trees

Dr. Oliver Walter

Emeritus Professor

picture of Larry Hubbell

Dr. Larry Hubbell

Emeritus Professor

Contact Us

School of Politics, Public Affairs & International Studies

Arts & Sciences Building 208

Dept. 3197

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-6484


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