April 19, 2007 -- University of Wyoming faculty and students will
present an evening of baroque music and dance Saturday, April 21, at
7:30 p.m. in the Fine Arts Center concert hall.
Tickets, available at the Fine Arts Center box office, 766-6666 or www.uwyo.edu/finearts, cost $5 for students and seniors and $7 for others.
Saturday’s performance features UW Department of Music faculty Theresa
Bogard on harpsichord, Kathleen McKeage on double bass, and Rod Garnett
on baroque flute. They will be joined by dancers from UW Department of
Dance Professor Marsha Knight’s historic dance class and musicians from
Bogard’s graduate seminar in performance practice.
For more information call Bogard at 766-3894 or e-mail tbogard@uwyo.edu.
Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2007