Knight Hall 109 | Dept. 3135
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-3073
Fax: (307) 766-3298
These services include exam accommodations, note-taking assistance, access to course materials, classroom relocation, alternative formats for texts, assistive technology, and communication access. Not all possible accommodations are listed, as we employ an interactive process to tailor reasonable accommodations to the unique needs of each student. This personalized approach ensures that all students receive the specific support they require for their academic success.
Classroom accommodations are generally utilized to remove barriers to access within the class setting.
Some accommodations include;
Preferred Seating
Reasonable Breaks
Accommodated Seating
Classroom Relocation
Alternative format accommodations ensure that all classroom materials can be utilized by all students.
Some accommodations include;
Audio Books
Speech-to-Text Programs
Enlarged Print
Digital and Electronic Files
Assistive tech and equipment include a variety of tools that remove barriers and set students up for success. Students can utilize these tools in the classroom, while completing class assignments, and for tests.
Some accommodations include;
Speech-to-Text Software
Text-to-Speech Software
Note-Taking and Recording Programs
Assistive Listening Devices
Screen Reading Programs
DSS partners with faculty on the administration of course exams with accommodations. Students testing with DSS in the DSS Testing Center will need to schedule their exams with our office using their AIM portal. DSS can accommodate exams with extended time, proctor exams with a reduced distraction environment, provide computers for typing responses or screen readers. DSS can also schedule scribes for writing answers, provide adjustable desks/seating, and rooms with dimmable lighting.
Faculty may also proctor their own exams if they are able to provide the approved accommodation(s) for the student.
If available, students may also use our testing rooms to study, work on projects, or schedule online exam proctoring. Connect with our testing team in Room 7 (lower level of Knight Hall) or by emailing to utilize an available space.
Knight Hall 109 | Dept. 3135
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-3073
Fax: (307) 766-3298