Knight Hall 109 | Dept. 3135
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-3073
Fax: (307) 766-3298
The University of Wyoming provides services for d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing students through Disability Support Services to ensure equal access to educational opportunities and foster an inclusive learning environment. These services are designed to remove barriers, promote effective communication, and support academic success.
DSS provides transcribing services as an alternative for individuals (student, employee or visitor) who may or may not use American Sign Language (ASL). These services may be provided by trained DSS staff or may be provided through remote services. These services are provided for class lectures, labs, discussions, instructor/advisor meetings, commencement, or other course/university functions. Transcribing for non-academic settings is determined on a case-by-case basis.
Students who are currently registered with DSS should provide their schedule and needs to their coordinator.
Requests for transcription services requires advanced notice. DSS cannot guarantee that services will be available for all requests. Please reach out to our team as soon as you know that transcription or captions need to be requested and scheduled.
Instructors with d/Deaf/hard-of-hearing students will receive communication of this service.
Cancellations: When possible, a minimum of 48 hours is necessary for cancellations and should be communicated through DSS to allow for timely notification and cancellation of services. Without prior notification of a cancellation, transcribers are paid for the class period/event as well as mileage/travel.
Any individual (student, employee, or visitor) who uses American Sign Language (ASL) as a primary source of communication may request interpreting services from Disability Support Services (DSS). DSS hires, supervises, and schedules qualified sign language interpreters and transcribers for a variety of events and settings such as class lectures, labs, class discussions, meetings with instructors or advisors, student affairs, commencement ceremonies, and other university functions.
Requests for interpreter services can be made through individual coordinators (for students who are currently registered with DSS) or by emailing (for general requests).
Requests for ASL Interpreting Services requires advanced notice. DSS cannot guarantee that an interpreter will be available for all requests. Please reach out to our team as soon as you know that an ASL interpreter needs to be requested and scheduled.
Instructors with d/Deaf/hard-of-hearing students in their courses will receive email notification.
Students are responsible for contacting DSS if they do not plan to attend class or other scheduled events for which services have been arranged to allow for timely notification and cancellation of services. If interpreters are not notified in advance of a cancellation, they are paid for the entire class period as well as for mileage and/or travel if not notified before travel occurs. DSS also provides sign language interpreters upon request for visiting family and friends attending UW-sponsored events and activities and who communicate using sign language.
Students wishing to arrange for private interpreting services, for which they are responsible for payment, may utilize the DSS office for assistance in contacting interpreters.
Knight Hall 109 | Dept. 3135
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-3073
Fax: (307) 766-3298