Student and her dog reading on a bench on campus

Student Support & Resources

This is your hub for accessing a wide range of resources designed to support your academic journey and personal well-being as a student at UW. In this section, you will find information on various scholarships available to students with disabilities, guidance from the student handbook, and important resources concerning university regulations and policies. Additionally, we provide comprehensive details on campus resources, from academic support centers to wellness services, ensuring you have everything you need to thrive during your time at the university. Explore the portal to discover all the ways DSS is here to support you.



Campus Resources

Transportation & Parking 

For information on accessible parking and transportation at the University of Wyoming please contact Transit & Parking at 307-766-9800,, or visit the links below for more information:  

*DSS does not issue accessible parking placards for university parking. 




UW bus parked

Scholarship Information

Did you know that there are scholarships available for students with a disability? Students looking for scholarships through UW can apply for UW scholarships through the Wyoscholarships portal. Disability Support Services plays a role in reviewing and supporting scholarship determinations for the UW affiliated funds outlined below.   


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    Bernice A. Bettis scholarship

    A Foundation-based scholarship typically awarded each spring. Though students must have a qualifying disability, students are not required to be registered with DSS to apply, but must submit additional materials with their application if they are not

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    Kuehne scholarship

    More information coming soon. 

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    Bernadette Smith scholarship

    More information coming soon.

Future & Transfer Students

Whether you are transitioning to the University of Wyoming as a high school senior or transferring from another institution, DSS is here to support you! Accommodations at the high school level or at another institution are not automatically implemented at UW.

Students interested in accommodations, services, or support must register with our office. Once registered, students will meet with a coordinator to determine reasonable accommodations at UW. Check out our quick guide below for some of the most crucial differences between high school and college for students with disabilities.






a student smiling at the camera



Transitioning from high school to college can be both exciting and challenging. This period marks a significant shift in a student's academic journey and personal development. College life often brings more independence, a diverse social environment, and new academic expectations. Managing these changes requires adaptability, time management, and self-motivation. DSS is here to help you on your journey! Begin by browsing our transitioning from high school to college guide. 
As your student transitions to college, Disability Support Services (DSS) offers valuable resources and answers to common questions parents may have. We understand this period can be as challenging for parents as it is for students. For answers to the most frequently asked questions, please visit our Parent FAQ section.
For information and support tailored to transfer students, please visit our Transfer Student Resources.



Contact Us

Disability Support Services

Knight Hall 109 | Dept. 3135
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-3073
Fax: (307) 766-3298