Financial Literacy File Folder

UW Financial Literacy

University of Wyoming Extension

Welcome to UW Extension's Financial Literacy pages!

University of Wyoming Extension provides unbiased education to residents of Wyoming. Information is available through classes (in person or online), webinars, publications, and online self-study tutorials. Educational materials and trainings can be developed or adapted to meet your group’s needs. Classes can be provided at your location. Pleases contact educators on the Community Development Education team at

We Can Help You!

WY Saves on FB

WY Saves on Facebook

Featuring current Financial Literacy information and resources. Also includes a weekly Facebook Live presentation which addresses a variety of financial topics.

WY Saves on FB

Michelle's Money Minutes

Take 5 minutes a week to fine-tune your financial picture with videos featuring current money topics and resources.

Money Talk

Money Talk Series

A series of hour-long pre-recorded and live presentations of financial literacy topics.

WY Saves on FB

Master Money Manager Coach

Is being offered to organizations to assist their clients with money management. Program participants will learn to coach their clients utilizing the FDIC Money Smart curriculum.


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