
Powell Research & Extension Center

Resources at PREC

The Powell Research and Extension Center (PREC) is one mile north of Powell on Highway 295 at an elevation of 4,374 feet. The 30-year average annual precipitation is 6.67 inches. May and June are the only two months that exceed one inch of average precipitation.

Employees at PREC include one faculty researcher, a research associate I, a farm manager, two assistant farm managers, and an office associate. PREC personnel conduct research and provide services to benefit the northwestern Wyoming counties of Fremont, Hot Springs, Washakie, Big Horn, Park—and beyond.

One hundred seventy-five of the 220 acres at the PREC are irrigated cropland. Research focuses include agronomic weed control, irrigation, cropping systems, high tunnel production, variety performance testing, transgenic variety response to herbicide treatments, and alternative crops. The center participates in numerous regional research and education projects.

Seed Resources

Weather Resources

Farm Management Resources


Contact Us

Center Address

747 Road 9
Powell, Wyoming 82435-9135

Phone: (307) 754-2223

Director: Jim Heitholt

Important Websites

Agricultural Experiment Station

College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources