To participate as an NSE student at The University of Wyoming you must complete the following steps:
Students from universities that are not from institutions within the NSE consortium are not eligible to study at UW as visiting students. You may consider applying to UW as a full-time student through the regular admissions process.
Before you apply directly to UW, you must first meet with the NSE coordinator at your home university and confirm that our institution is the right fit for you. From there, they will walk you through the application process on the NSE portal to attend UW either on the host payment option (A) or the home payment option (B).
After completing their NSE application, Undergraduate students wishing to participate in an NSE Exchange Program at UW should
create an account and then log in to complete and submit an application:
Create an Account
Account Login / Application Submission
You will receive an email notification from your UW advisor with detailed instructions
about the application process after your nomination is received. You will also be
sent the link to the UWYO NSE Handbook.
Cheney International Center | Dept. 3707, 1000 E. University Ave. | Laramie,
WY 82071
Phone: (307)766-3677 | Fax: (307)766-3679