In order to teach geography in Wyoming, one must be certified Social Studies Comprehensive
or Geography. Most educators, especially those educated at the University of Wyoming
choose to certify Social Studies Comprehensive.
In order to acquire the Social Studies Comprehensive certification, one must (1) present
an institutional recommendation from the institution at which he received his degree
and (2) pass a comprehensive Social Studies Praxis test of content knowledge in history,
geography, political science and economics; that combination certifies and highly
qualifies the candidate in all four content areas.
One who certifies in Geography must present an institutional recommendation from the
institution at which his Geography degree was acquired. His major in the content area
is demonstration of content knowledge so a test is not required for highly qualified.
During the 2009-2010 school year, 93.14% of geography classes in Wyoming were taught
by highly qualified teachers.
Carol Illian
Title II-A Program Manager
Wyoming Department of Education