You, your parent, or your legal guardian must be a legal resident of Wyoming for five continuous years preceding matriculation into medical school. You must make application to the Wyoming WWAMI Certifying office for residency certification no later than Oct. 15th of the year you apply to medical school. If you apply to the Univ. of Washington via AMCAS and then are not certified as a Wyoming resident you will lose your school application fee.
The UWSOM can only consider your application if you have been officially certified as a Wyoming resident. Simply indicating Wyoming as your state of residence on the AMCAS application is not sufficient.
The Preprofessional Advising Office
College of Health Sciences
University of Wyoming
Health Sciences Center, Room 110
Dept 3432, 1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071-3432
Telephone: 307-766-3878