Workshops and Events


      1. ONLINE: click on the button to register online with a credit card
      2. EMAIL: Please see each site page or summaries below for an invoice request form

Cancellation Policy: All registrants will be reimbursed if cancellations are received at least 5 days prior to the workshop.

Click Here to Register with a Card


Online registration does not accept American Express.

NOTICE: The LTAP Center reserves the right to cancel or reschedule events due to weather.  We will contact participants via email if changes due occur. 

Available Workshops & Certifications:


Asphalt De-Paving (Brochure)

  • Dates and Locations
    • Rock Springs, Western Wyoming Community College - April 3rd, 2025
    • Douglas, Eastern Wyoming Community College - April 10th, 2025
  • Cost
    • $75 - Includes Lunch
  • Instructor
    • Mike Robinson
Click Here to Request Invoice

Description -

Many local agencies are faced with existing paved roads that are in poor to failed condition, but don’t have the funds to maintain, yet alone repair or reconstruct, them. While one can simply ignore these roads and allow the deterioration to continue, there are other options.

This workshop will explore these options and provide assistance in deciding which approach is preferable, including addressing structural as well as functional needs. Optimizing gradations and use of recycled asphalt pavement, virgin material, and/or additives to improve performance and reduce dust and maintenance will be discussed, as will the advantages and disadvantages of applying wearing courses.

Since bidding and managing this work doesn’t always fit into typical delivery methods, a case study in combining and managing multiple types of projects in multiple locations with multiple owners is included.

Cancellation Policy -

All registrants will be billed unless cancelations are received at least 48 hours prior to the class


Work Zone / ATSSA - on request

The Wyoming Technology Transfer Center (WYT2) has instructors certified by the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) to teach Work Zone Safety and the ATSSA Flagger Certification Training Course. This program provides training to improve the safety of flaggers working on public roads and highways.  

WYT2 will provide instructors who travel to the agency's location and perform the 8-hr Work Zone and ATSSA Flagger Training. Instructors also administer the certification exams and provide the certification cards.  


Note: This program is the correct certification for city and county governments


Wyoming Materials Certification (2024 - 2025 Brochure)

Description -

Each class is in two parts, an online and a in-person. Please make note of corresponding dates below.

These workshops offer a specialized certification program emphasizing Wyoming DOT specifications 
and procedures. The intentions of the workshops are a review of materials and processes to obtain 
certification and are not introductory training courses. All instruction is online through Zoom. Wyoming T2 Center administers all written tests through an  online test-taking platform. The certification consists of online classroom sessions covering material-specific information,  demonstrations, and a review of testing procedures. The successful completion will fulfill the testing technician certification requirements for Wyoming DOT QC/QA projects. WYDOT issues a certificate 
upon successfully passing both the online written test and the performance test. Wyoming DOT QC/QA projects require that testing technicians be certified for asphalt and concrete projects. All three certifications are good for 5 years.

Cancellation Policy -

All registrants will be reimbursed if cancellations are received at least 5 days prior to the workshop.

Who should attend? -

People requiring the qualifications for conducting or overseeing materials testing on Wyoming DOT
QC/QA projects are encouraged to apply.

Note: Please see WMTC Certification page for more information



Contact Us

Wyoming Technology Transfer Center

EN 4092

1000 E. University Ave.

Dept. 3295

University of Wyoming

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-6743

Fax: (307) 766-6784


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