Fleet Maintenance Services

Fleet Maintenance Services is located at 2102 S. 15th St.

Fleet Services utilizes a centralized vehicle management program to ensure that UW owned vehicles are properly maintained and necessary repairs are performed per the Vehicle Policy. Fleet Services provides in-house services for all Laramie based UW automotive preventive maintenance services and repairs. Please fill out the form below for vehicle maintenance and repair. 

Before filling out the form, download the PDF to your computer, open in Adobe Reader, then fill out the form. DO NOT use the Chrome PDF viewer program to fill in the PDF form. Adobe Reader is the only program that will allow you to work with the form properly.

  • If you have accidentally filled out the pdf in the web browser, save the file by clicking “Print” > “Save as PDF”. Please note your pdf will no longer be editable at this point.

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Contact Us

Fleet Maintenance Services

2102 S. 15th St.

Laramie, WY 82070

Phone: (307) 766-3349

Email: fleet@uwyo.edu


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