Raton Shooting Sports Award Trip
Fourteen Wyoming 4-H members are selected each year to attend an awards trip to the
NRA Whittington Center in Raton, NM.
Trip Information
- 2024 Dates: To be deterrmined
- Location: NRA Whittington Center, Raton, New Mexico
- Twelve winners are selected during the Wyoming 4-H State Shoot based on their outstanding shooting
skills. Point values are assigned to senior-aged youth who indicate they would like
to qualify for the trip. Points are obtained for up to three disciplines in which
they finish in the top ten.
- 1st place = 10 points
- 2nd place = 9 points
- 3rd place = 8 points
- 4th place = 7 points
- 5th place = 6 points
- 6th place = 5 points
- 7th place = 4 points
- 8th place = 3 points
- 9th place = 2 points
- 10th place = 1 point
- Example: 1st in Archery = 10 points; 4th in Shotgun=7 points; Total Raton Points=17
- Two winners are selected based on portfolios submitted demonstrating their passion for shooting
sports. Portfolio submissions were due to the Wyoming State 4-H Office by shortly
after State Shoot 2024, exact date to be determined.
- More information: