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Common Syllabus Sections


Classroom Behavior Policy: Include a statement of policies to foster a positive learning environment (civility and respectful discussion, for example), including use of cell phones, mobile devices, etc.

Example: “At all times, treat your presence in the classroom and your enrollment in this course as you would a job.  Act professionally, arrive on time, pay attention, complete your work in a timely and professional manner, and treat all deadlines seriously.  You will be respectful towards you classmates and instructor.  Spirited debate and disagreement are to be expected in any classroom and all views will be heard fully, but at all times we will behave civilly and with respect towards one another. Personal attacks, offensive language, name-calling, and dismissive gestures are not warranted in a learning atmosphere.  As the instructor, I have the right to dismiss you from the classroom, study sessions, electronic forums, and other areas where disruptive behavior occurs.”

Example:  “Electronic devices such as mobile phones should be (INSTRUCTOR CHOICE: left at home, set to silent, turned off).  Laptops (INSTRUCTOR CHOICE: are, are not) allowed for note-taking purposes; those who require laptops for accommodation of disabilities, work with Disability Support Services and me to accommodate your needs.  No unauthorized video or audio recording during class is allowed to protect the privacy of your fellow students; for those who require recording for accommodation of disabilities, work with Disability Support Services and me to accommodate your needs.”


Classroom Statement on Diversity: “The University of Wyoming values an educational environment that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. The diversity that students and faculty bring to class, including age, country of origin, culture, disability, economic class, ethnicity, gender identity, immigration status, linguistic, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, worldview, and other social and cultural diversity is valued, respected, and considered a resource for learning. “

Disability Support: Insert a statement referring to reasonable accommodations provided by University Disability Support Services.

Example: The University of Wyoming is committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for all students.   If you have a disability, including but not limited to  physical, learning, sensory or psychological disabilities, and would like to request accommodations in this course due to your disability, , please register with  and provide documentation of your disability as soon as possible to Disability Support Services (DSS), Room 128 Knight Hall. You may also contact DSS at (307) 766-3073 or It is in the student’s best interest to request accommodations within the first week of classes, understanding that accommodations are not retroactive.  Visit the DSS website for more information at:

Academic Dishonesty Policies:  Include a statement or a reference to UW Regulation 2-114 (Procedures and Authorized University Actions in Cases of Student Academic Dishonesty).

Example: “Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in this class.  Cases of academic dishonesty will be treated in accordance with UW Regulation 2-114.  The penalties for academic dishonesty can include, at my discretion, an “F” on an exam, an “F” on the class component exercise, and/or an “F” in the entire course.  Academic dishonesty means anything that represents someone else’s ideas as your own without attribution.  It is intellectual theft – stealing - and includes (but is not limited to) unapproved assistance on examinations, plagiarism (use of any amount of another person’s writings, blog posts, publications, and other materials without attributing that material to that person with citations), or fabrication of referenced information.  Facilitation of another person’s academic dishonesty is also considered academic dishonesty and will be treated identically.”


Duty to Report:  Statement referring to your duty to report status as instructional personnel under Title IX.


UW faculty are committed to supporting students and upholding the University’s non-discrimination policy. Under Title IX, discrimination based upon sex and gender is prohibited. If you experience an incident of sex- or gender-based discrimination, we encourage you to report it. While you may talk to a faculty member, understand that as a "Responsible Employee" of the University, the faculty member MUST report information you share about the incident to the university’s Title IX Coordinator (you may choose whether you or anyone involved is identified by name). If you would like to speak with someone who may be able to afford you privacy or confidentiality, there are people who can meet with you. Faculty can help direct you or you may find info about UW policy and resources at

You do not have to go through the experience alone. Assistance and resources are available, and you are not required to make a formal complaint or participate in an investigation to access them. 



While I want you to feel comfortable coming to me with issues you may be struggling with or concerns you may be having, please be aware that I have some reporting requirements that are part of my job requirements at UW.

For example, if you inform me of an issue of sexual harassment, sexual assault, or discrimination I will keep the information as private as I can, but I am required to bring it to the attention of the institution’s Title IX Coordinator. If you would like to talk to those offices directly, you can contact Equal Opportunity Report and Response (Bureau of Mines Room 319, 766-5200,, Additionally, you can also report incidents or complaints to the UW Police Department. You can also get support at the STOP Violence program (,, 766-3296) (or SAFE Project (,, 766-3434, 24-Hour hotline: 745-3556). 


Another common example is if you are struggling with an issue that may be traumatic or unusual stress. I will likely inform the Dean of Students Office or Counseling Center. If you would like to reach out directly to them for assistance, you can contact them using the info below or going to

Finally, know that if, for some reason, our interaction involves a disruptive behavior or potential violation of policy, I inform the Dean of Students, even when you and I may have reached an informal resolution to the incident. The purpose of this is to keep the Dean apprised of any behaviors and what was done to resolve them.

NOTE: Importantly, you CAN disclose your experience privately and confidentially without a formal report being made by disclosing to a licensed mental health professional (e.g., the University Counseling Center – 307-766-2187 or Psychology Center – 307-766-2149), SAFE Project – 307-745-3556, or the University Student Health Center – 307-766-2130. These entities can help you get assistance and support whether or not you elect to make a formal report about sexual violence, assault or discrimination. SAFE Project can provide off-campus support and they also have an advocate on campus (


Substantive changes to syllabus:  Include a statement indicating that the information contained in the course syllabus, other than the grade and absence policies, may be subject to change with reasonable advance notice, as deemed appropriate by the instructor. Substantive changes made to the syllabus by the instructor during the semester shall be communicated in the learning management system, other electronic means, or in class to the students with reasonable notice.

Example: “All deadlines, requirements, and course structure is subject to change if deemed necessary by the instructor.  Students will be notified verbally in class, on our WyoCourses page announcement, and via email of these changes.”

Example: “Note: This syllabus is a guide. Circumstances may alter the reading and/or test schedules. You are required to check WyoCourses and your email at least once a week.”


Daily or weekly schedule of topics, activities, and graded work:  You may include a schedule with the syllabus, or distribute it separately on WyoCourses or other electronic means.


Student Resources:

DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES:, 766-3073, 128 Knight Hall,
COUNSELING CENTER:, 766-2187, 766-8989 (After hours), 341 Knight Hall,
ACADEMIC AFFAIRS: 766-4286, 312 Old Main,
DEAN OF STUDENTS OFFICE:, 766-3296, 128 Knight Hall,
UW POLICE DEPARTMENT:, 766-5179, 1426 E Flint St,

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