Publications List

University of Wyoming Department of Anthropology
Refereed Publications, 2014 – present (3/3/17)

Bold & Underlined
–Department of Anthropology regular faculty
Underlined – Affiliated with the Department of Anthropology (adjunct, alumni, emeriti, graduate student, temporary faculty)


2018: 1

2018. Kelly, RL. The Fifth Beginning: What Six Million Years of History Can Tell Us About Our Future. Chinese translation. Beijing, CITIC Press Corporation.


2017: 2

2017. Janković I, Komšo D, Mihelić S, & Ahern JCM (editors.). 2017. ARCHAEOLIM: Archaeological Investigations into the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene of the Lim Channel. Archaeological Museum of Zagreb.

2017.    Murphy MS, Klaus H (editors). 2016. Colonized Bodies, Worlds Transformed:Towards a Global Bioarchaeology of Contact and Colonialism. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

2016: 3

2016.    Kelly RLThe Fifth Beginning: What Archaeology Tells Us About the Future. Berkeley: University of California Press.

2016.    Kelly RL, Thomas DH. Archaeology, 7th edition. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.

2016.  Kornfeld M, Huckell B (editors). Stones, Bones, and Profiles: Exploring Archaeological Context, Early American Hunter-Gatherers, and Bison. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.

2014: 1

2014.    Fiske SJ, Crate SA, Crumley CL, Galvin K, Lazrus H, Luber G, Lucero L, Oliver-Smith A, Orlove BS, Strauss S, Wilk RR. Changing the Atmosphere: Anthropology and Climate Change. Final Report of the AAA Task Force on Global Climate Change. 137 pp. Washington, D.C.: American Anthropological Association.


Cultural & Linguistic Anthropology

In press: 5

Harkin ME. “I Believe We Are Also One in Our Concept of Freedom:” the Dewey-Boas Correspondence and the Invention of Postmodern Bourgeois Liberalism. Histories of Anthropology Annual. 12.

Harkin ME, Kan SA. Northwest Coast. In Krupnik I (ed,):  Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 1, Smithsonian Institution.

Harkin ME.  What Would Franz Boas have thought about 9/11? On the Limits of Negative Capability.  Histories of Anthropology Annual.

Skaptadóttir UD, Innes P. Immigrant Experiences of Learning Icelandic and Connecting with the Speaking Community. Nordic Journal of Migration Research. Pre-print version available online, DOI:

Strauss S. Ethnoclimatology. In Callan H (ed): International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

2017: 5

2017. Harkin, ME. The Strange Life and Presumed Death of Homo Economicus. In Global Observations of the Influence of Culture on Consumer Buying Behavior, edited by Sarmistha Sarma. IGI International.

2017. Harkin, ME. What Would Franz Boas have thought about 9/11? On the Limits of Negative Capability. Historizing Theories, Identities, and Nations, Regna Darnell and Frederic Gleach, eds. pp. 27-40. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

2017. Harkin, ME. “I Believe We Are Also One in Our Concept of Freedom:” the Dewey-Boas Correspondence and the Invention of Postmodern Bourgeois Liberalism. Historizing Theories, Identities, and Nations, Regna Darnell and Frederic Gleach, eds. pp. 41-60. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

2017. Skaptadóttir, Unnur Dís and Innes, PI. 2017, Immigrant Experiences of Learning Icelandic, Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 7(1), pp. 20-27, DOI: 10.1515/njmr-2016-0025.

2017.  Watson MD. Romanyshyn and the Half-Connecting Body: An Essay on the Corporeal Nature of Modernity’s Technological Worldview. Existential Analysis.

2016: 6

2016.    Berger-Gonzalez M, Vides A, Strauss S, Heinrich M, Taquira S, Krütli P. Relationships that Heal: Going beyond the patient-healer dyad in Mayan therapy. Medical Anthropology: Cross-cultural studies in health and illness.

2016.  Harkin METhe Emotional Archive. Ethnohistory. 63(3).

2016.  Innes P, Skaptadóttir UD. Icelandic for Adult Foreigners: Effects of Imposing an Icelandic Language Test. Current Issues in Language Planning. 18(1):68-86.

2016.  Poyer L. World War II and the development of global indigenous identities.  In: Identities: Glabal Studies in Culture and Power.  Taylor & Francis/Routledge.  DOI: 10.1080/1070289X.2016.1183492

2016.  Poyer L, Carucci LM, Falgout S. Micronesian Chiefs under American Rule: Military Occupation, Democracy, and Trajectories of Traditional Leadership.  Journal of Policy History Vol 28, no. 1, pp. 105-132.

2016.  Strauss S. Climate Change in Leukerbad and Beyond: Re-Visioning our Cultures of Energy and Environment. In Anthropology and Climate Change: From Encounters to Actions, 2nd edition, Eds. Susie Crate and Mark Nuttall. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press/Routledge.

2017.  Watson MD. The Negating Body: A Psychoanalytic-Phenomenology Approach to Explaining the Source of Dichotomizing. Transforming Anthropology 24(2): 136-156.          

2015: 2

2015.  Innes P.  Icelandic Language Schools After the Crash, In:  Gambling Debt: Iceland’s Rise and Fall in the Global Economy (E. Paul Durrenburger and Gísli Pálsson), University of Colorado Press, pp187-200.

2015.  Toulson RE. Theorizing the City: Recent Research in Urban Anthropology.  Reviews in Anthropology.  44:28-42. 

2015.  Watson MD, Ambaba G. Hidden Violence of Postcolonial Africa: A Communicative Ecology View of Ghana's Upper East Region. Ghana Studies 18: 136-161.

2015.  Watson MD, Atuick E. “The call kind of calls you away”: Cell Phones and Alienation among Bulsa of Ghana’s Upper East Region. African Studies Review 58(1): 113-132

2014: 2

2014.  Harkin ME. Two Cultures: French and American Anthropology Between Science and Humanities. Reviews in Anthropology 43:4: 282-296.

2014.  Toulson RE. “Eating the Food of the Gods: Interpretative Dilemmas in Anthropological Analysis. Anthropology and Humanism.  39: 159-173. 

2014.  Watson MD. Half-Connecting: Development’s Self-Defeating Logic? Transforming Anthropology 22(2):63-77.

2014.  Watson MD. “Apartheid in their Hearts”? How the South African Critique of Individualism is Probably Right. The Howard Journal of Communications 25(2):134-155.

Biological Anthropology & Archaeology

In press: 7

Janković I, Balen J, Ahern JCM, Premužić Z, Čavka M, Potrebica H, and Novak M. Prehistoric massacre revealed.  Four cases of perimortem cranial trauma from Potočani, Croatia.  Anthropologischer Anzeiger.

Karavanić I, Vukosavljević N, Janković I, Ahern JCM, and Smith FH.  Paleolithic hominins and settlement in Croatia from MIS 6 to MIS 3: research history and current interpretations.  Quaternary International.

Kornfeld M (With Craig M. Lee, Michael Neeley, and Mark Mitchell).  Microcores and microliths in the High Plains and Rocky Mountain Front lithic assemblages. Plains Anthropologist.

Naudinot N, Kelly RL. Climate Change and Archaeology. Introduction to the Frison Institute Symposium on Archaeology and Climate Change. Quaternary International.

Smith FH, Ahern JCM, Janković I and Karavanić I.  Ancient genomics and the Assimilation Model for modern human origins.  Quaternary International

Surovell TA, Toohey JL, Myers AD, LaBelle JM, Ahern JCM, Reisig B. The end of archaeological discovery.  American Antiquity

Waguespack NM.  Hunting & Gathering in the Pleistocene: Early Paleoindians of North America. In Peres T and Deter-Wolf A (eds.): Eating the Past: Foodways Archaeology in the Southeastern United States.  University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.

2018: 12

2018. Ahern JCM. Sahelanthropus. In: Trevathan W (ed.). The International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 9781118584422.

2018. Bluhm, LE and Surovell TA. Validation of a Global Model of Taphonomic Bias Using Geologic Radiocarbon Dates. Quaternary Research.

2018. Freeman, J., Baggio, JA, Robinson, E., Byers, D. A., Gayo, E., Finley, J.B., Meyer, JA, Kelly, RL, Anderies, JM. The Synchronization of Energy Consumption by Human Societies throughout the Holocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

2018. Freeman, J, Byers, DA, Robinson, E, and Kelly, RL. Culture Process and the Interpretation of Radiocarbon Data. Radiocarbon 660:453-467.

2018. Frison, GC, Zeimens, GM, Pelton, SR, Walker, DN, Stanford DJ, & Kornfeld, M. Further Insights into Northern Plains Paleoindian Red Ochre Use: Recent Investigations at the Powars II Site (48PL330). American Antiquity 83(3):485-504.

2018. Haas, R, Surovell, TA, O’Brien, MJ. Occupancy and the use of household space among the Dukha. Ethnoarchaeology 10:1-15.

2018. Murphy, MS. Colonial bioarchaeology and demography. Oxford Handbook of the Inca, edited by S. Alconini and R.A. Covey. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2018. Pelton, SR, Kornfeld, M, Larson, ML, & Minckley, T. 2017. An absolute occupational chronology for Locality 1 of the Hell Gap Site, Wyoming, USA. Quaternary Research 88(2):234-247.

2018. Pelton, SR, Kornfeld, M, Larson, ML, & Minckley, T. Component age estimates for the Hell Gap Paleoindian site and methods for chronological modeling of stratified open sites - Response to commentary by C. Vance Haynes. Quaternary Research 90(1):248-250.

2018. Pelton, SR, Shimek, RL, Grund, BS, Mackie, ME, & Surovell, TA. The Wold Bison Jump (48JO966) and its relation to the ancestral Crow on the Northwestern Plains. Plains Anthropologist 12:1-25.

2018. Potter, BA, Baichtal, JF, Beaudoin, AB, Fehren-Schmitz, L., Haynes, CV, Holliday, VT, Holmes, CE, Ives, JW, Kelly, RL, Llamas, B, Malhi, RS, Miller, DS, Reich, D, Reuther, JD, Schiffels, S, Surovell, TA. Current Evidence Allows Multiple Models for the Peopling of the Americas. Science Advances.

2018. Potter, BA, Beadoin, AB, Haynes, CV, Holliday, VT, Holmes, CE, Ives, JW, Kelly, RL, Llamas, B., Malhi, R, Miller, DS, Reich, D, Reuther, JD, Schiffels, S, Surovell, TA. Arrival Routes of First Americans Uncertain. Science 359:1224.

2017: 19

2017. Becker R, Janković I, Komšo D, Ahern JCM, Gerometta K, and Weinstock J. Earth Resistance Tomography for Detecting Previous Excavation Trenches in Cave and Rock Shelter Sites in the Lim Channel, Croatia. Collegium Antropologicum. 41:173-179.

2017. Braje, TJ., Dillehay, TD, Erlandson, JM, Fitzpatrick, SM, Grayson, DK, Holliday, Kelly, RL, VT, Klein, RG, Meltzer, DJ, Rick, TC. Were Hominins in California ~130,000 Years Ago? Paleoamerica 3:1-3.

2017. Dawe, RL & Kornfeld, M. Nunataks and Valley Glaciers: Over the Mountains and Through the Ice, with B. Dawe. 2017. In After Anzick: Reconciling New Genomic Data and Models with the Archaeological Evidence for Peopling of the Americas, edited by J. Morrow and Stuart Fiedel. Quaternary International 444(B):56-71.

2017. Haas, R, Stefanescu, I, Garcia-Putnam, A, Aldenderfer, MA, Clementz, M, Murphy, MS, Viviano Lllave, C, & Watson, J. Hunter-gatherers permanently occupied the Andean Altiplano by at least 7kya. Royal Society Open Science 4: 170331.

2017. Janković I, Komšo D, Ahern JCM, Becker R, Barbir A, Gerometta K, Cvitkušić B, and Mihelić S. ARHEOLOŠKA ISTRAŽIVANJA U LIMSKOM KANALU 2016. Lokaliteti: Romualdova pećina, Abri Kontija 002, Lim 001, Pećina kod Rovinjskog Sela/ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATION IN THE LIM CHANNEL IN 2016 Sites: Romuald’s Cave, Abri Kontija 002, Lim 001, Pećina Cave Near Rovinjsko Selo. Histria Archaeologica. 47/2016: 75-97.

2017. Janković I, Balen J, Ahern JCM, Premužić Z, Čavka M, Potrebica H, and Novak M. Prehistoric massacre revealed. Four cases of perimortem cranial trauma from Potočani, Croatia. Anthropologischer Anzeiger. 74(2):131-141.

2017. Janković I, Komšo D, and Ahern JCM. Introduction: The ARCHAEOLIM Project. In: Janković I, Komšo D, Mihelić S, and Ahern JCM (eds.). ARCHAEOLIM:Archaeological Investigations into the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene of the Lim Channel. Archaeological Museum of Zagreb.

2017. Janković I, Komšo D, and Ahern JCM. Nalazi ljudskih kosturni ostataka/Human skeletal remains. In: Janković I, Komšo D, Mihelić S, and Ahern JCM (eds.). ARCHAEOLIM: Archaeological Investigations into the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene of the Lim Channel. Archaeological Museum of Zagreb.

2017. Karavanić I, Vukosavljević N, Janković I, Ahern JCM, and Smith FH. Paleolithic hominins and settlement in Croatia from MIS 6 to MIS 3: research history and current interpretations. Quaternary International.

2017. Karavanić I, Šošić-Klindžić R, Ahern JCM, Čondić N, Janković I, Zubčić K, and Smith FH. Recent research on the Middle/Upper Paleolithic interface in Croatia, in the context of Central and SE Europe. In Harvati K and Roksandic M (eds.): Human Evolution in the Southern Balkans. Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology book series (Delson E & Sargis E, Series Eds.). Springer-Verlag.

2017. Janković I, Ahern JCM, Karavanić I, and Smith FH. The importance of Croatian Pleistocene hominin finds in the study of human evolution. In Harvati K and Roksandic M (eds.): Human Evolution in the Southern Balkans. Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology book series (Delson E & Sargis E, Series Eds.). Springer-Verlag.

2017. Kelly, RL, Pelton, SR, and Robinson, EN. Studying Sharing from the Archaeological Record: Problems and Potential of Scale. In Inter-Disciplinary Perspective on Sharing among Hunter-Gatherers in the Past and Present, McDonald Institute Monograph Series, edited by David Friesem and Noa Lavi. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, under review.

2017. Naudinot, N, and Kelly, RL, Climate Change and Archaeology. Introduction to the Frison Institute Symposium on Archaeology and Climate Change. Quaternary International 428:1-2.

2017. Smith FH, Ahern JCM, Janković I and Karavanić I. Ancient genomics and the Assimilation Model for modern human origins. Quaternary International. 450:126-136.

2017. Surovell TA, Toohey JL, Myers AD, LaBelle JM, Ahern JCM, Reisig B. The end of archaeological discovery. American Antiquity.

2017. O’Brien, MJ, Surovell, TA. Spatial expression of kinship among Dukha reindeer herders of northern Mongolia. Arctic Anthropology 54:110-119.

2017.    Murphy MS, Klaus H. 2016. Colonized bodies, colonizing bodies. New perspectives on the bioarchaeology of contact, conquest, and colonialism. In: Colonized Bodies, Worlds Transformed: Towards a Global Bioarchaeology of Contact and Colonialism, edited by M.S. Murphy and H. Klaus. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

2017.    Murphy MS, Boza MF, and Gaither C. Exhuming differences and continuities: The interpretation of shifting and aberrant mortuary patterns after contact and colonialism. In: Colonized Bodies, Worlds Transformed: Towards a Global Bioarchaeology of Contact and Colonialism, edited by M.S. Murphy and H. Klaus. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

2017.    Ortiz A, Murphy MS, Toohey J, Gaither C. Hybridity? Change? Continuity? Survival? A study of biodistance and identity of colonial burials from Magdalena de Cao Viejo, Chicama Valley, Peru. In: Colonized Bodies, Worlds Transformed: Towards a Global Bioarchaeology of Contact and Colonialism, edited by M.S. Murphy and H. Klaus. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

2016: 13

2016.  Grund BS, Pelton SR, Surovell TA, Matthews NA, and Noble TA.  Bison jump location is primarily predicted by minimizing visibility at the Wold site, Johnson County, Wyoming.  American Antiquity. 81:752-763

2016.    Holliday V, Surovell T, and Johnson E.  A blind test of the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis.  PLOS One. 11(7):e0155470

2016. Janković I, Ahern JCM, Becker R, Komšo D, Gerometta K, Mihelić S, Zubčić K. Arheološka istraživanja u Limskom kanalu 2014. i 2015. Lokaliteti Romualdova pećina i Abri Kontija 002, Pećina kod Rovinjskog Sela, Lim 001 i podvodni pregled Limskog kanala/Archaeological research in the Lim Fjord in 2014 and 2015.  The sites of Romuald's Cave, Abri Kontija 002, Cave Near Rovinjsko Selo, Lim 001, and underwater survey in the Lim Channel. Histria Archaeologica. 46: 5-24.

2016. Karavanić I, Vukosavljević N, Čondić N, Miko S, Razum I, Ilijanić N, Zubčić K, Šošić Klindžić R, Ahern JCM, and Barbir A. Projekt “Kasni musterijen na istočnom Jadranu – temelj za razumijevanje identiteta kasnih neandertalaca i nihovog nestanka”: sažetak 2. I 3. godine istraživanja/Project Late Mousterian in the eastern Adriatic – towards understanding of the late Neanderthals’ identity and their demise: summary of the 2nd and 3rd years of research.  Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu. 33:135-150.

2016.  Kornfeld M and Huckell B. An Introduction: Stones, Bones and Profiles. In Kornfeld M and Huckell B (eds): Stones, Bones, and Profiles: Exploring Archaeological Context, Early American Hunter-Gatherers, and Bison. University of Colorado Press, Boulder.

2016.    Surovell TA, Boyd JR, Haynes CV, and Hodgins GWL.  On the dating of the Folsom complex and its correlation with the Younger Dryas, the end of Clovis, and megafaunal extinction.  Paleoamerica. 2:81-89.

2016.    Surovell TA and O’Brien MJ.  Mobility at the scale of meters. Evolutionary Anthropology. 25:142-152.

2016.    Surovell TA and Pelton SR.  Spatio-temporal variation in the preservation of ancient faunal remains.  Biology Letters. 12:20150823.

2016.    Surovell TA, Pelton SR, Anderson-Sprecher R, and Myers AD.  Test of Martin's overkill hypothesis using radiocarbon dates on extinct megafauna.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 113:886-891.

2016.  Toohey JL.  Reconciling Archaeological and Ethnohistoric Data for Coast-Highland Interaction in the Cajamarca Region. Ñawpa Pacha. 36(2): 185-208.

2016.  Toohey JL, Geddes B, Murphy MS, Pereyra Iturry C, and Bouroncle J.  Theorizing residential burial in Cajamarca, Peru: An understudied mortuary treatment in the Central Andes. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 43: 29- 38.

2016.    Weathermon RL.  The Chimney Springs Burial. In The Medicine Lodge Creek Project In the Big Horn Basin of Northern Wyoming, Vol. II.  Edited by George C. Frison and Danny N. Walker.

2016     Zahid HJ, Robinson E, Kelly RL. Agriculture, Population Growth and Statistical Analysis of the Radiocarbon Record. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (early edition, December 22, 2015).

2015: 15

2015.    Ahern JCM.  Archaic Homo. In M. Muehlenbein (ed.): Basics in Human Evolution.  Elsevier. 

2015.    Janković I, Ahern JCM, Mihelić S, and Premužić Z.  Bronze Age finds from Romualdova Cave, Istria: 2014 excavation season.  Collegium Antropologicum.  39(4):943-946.

2015.  Janković I, Ahern JCM, Smith FH. On some aspects of Neandertal zygomatic morphology with consideration of other archaic and early modern humans.  HOMO: The Journal of Comparative Human Biology.

2015. Janković I, Ahern JCM, Karavanić I, Smith FH. The importance of Croatian Pleistocene hominin finds in the study of human evolution. In Harvati K and Roksandic M (eds.): Human Evolution in the Southern Balkans. Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology book series (Delson E & Sargis E, Series Eds.).  Springer-Verlag. 

2015. Karavanić I, Šošić-Klindžić R, Ahern JCM, Čondić N, Janković I, Zubčić K, Smith FH. Recent research on the Middle/Upper Paleolithic interface in Croatia, in the context of Central and SE Europe. In Harvati K and Roksandic M (eds.): Human Evolution in the Southern Balkans. Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology book series (Delson E & Sargis E, Series Eds.).  Springer-Verlag.

2015.    Kelly RL. Que nous apprend la mobilité des chasseurs-cueilleurs sur la colonisation de nouveaux territoires? Les systèmes de mobilité de la Préhistoire au Moyen Âge, edited by N. Naudinot, L. Meignen, D. Binder, and G. Querré, pp. 19-27.  Éditions APDCA, Antibes, France.

2015.    Kelly RL. Binford vs. Childe: What Makes an Archaeologist Influential? Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 38:67-71.

2015.    Kornfeld M.  Breathing life into high country living. In Rocky Mountain Archaeology: A tribute to James B. Benedict, edited by Judson Finley, Ken Cannon, and Molly Cannon. Plains Anthropologist Memoir.

2015.        Mackie ME, Surovell TA, O'Brien MJ.  Identifying stone alignments created by adults and children: A case study from a Dukha reindeer herder summer camp, Khövsgöl Aimag, Mongolia. Sibirica 14(2):29-4.

2015.    Šošić-Klindžić R, Radović S, Težak-Gregl T, Šlaus M, Perhoč Z, Hulina M, Gerometta K, Boschian G, Vukosavljević N, Karavanić I, Richards M, Ahern JCM, Janković I. Stone Age from the cave site Zemunica, Bisko (Croatia).  Eurasian Prehistory. 12:3-46.

2015.    Prasciunas M, Surovell TA.  Reevaluating the Duration of Clovis: the Problem of Non-Representative Radiocarbon Dates Age estimates for the duration of the Clovis complex.  In Clovis: On the Edge of a New Understanding, edited by Ashley M. Smallwood and Thomas a. Jennings.  Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Texas, pp. 21-35. 

2015.  Šošić-Klindžić R, Karavanić I, Vukosavljević N, Ahern JCM. Smještaj, stratigrafija, kronologia i tijek iskopavanja špilje Zale (Occupation, stratigraphy, chronology and the course of excavations at Zala Cave).  2015.  In Karavanić I and Vukosavljević N (eds).  Arheologija Špilje Zale: Od Paleolitičkih Lovaca Skupljača do Rimskih Osvajača. Katedra Čakavskog sabora Modruše.

2015.  Karavanić I, Vukosavljević N, Šošić-Klindžić R, Ahern JCM, and Smith FH. Špila Zala u dijakronijskoj perspektivi: sažetak rezultata. In Karavanić I and Vukosavljević N (eds). Arheologija Špilje Zale: Od Paleolitičkih Lovaca Skupljača do Rimskih Osvajača. Katedra Čakavskog sabora Modruše.

2015.    Toohey JL. Ceramic Exchange and Community Interaction in the Late Prehispanic Cajamarca Basin, Northern Peru, In: Ceramic Analysis in the Andes: Proceedings of the session on Andean Ceramic Characterization, Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting 2014 Austin, Texas (Edited by Isabelle Druc), Deep University Press, WI.

2015.    Waguespack NM.  The Pleistocene Colonization and Occupation of the Americas. In The Cambridge World History Volume 1: Foundations, edited by David Christian and Merry Weissner-Hanks, pp. 461-477, Cambridge University Press.

2014: 7

2014.    Grund BS, Williams SE, Surovell TA.  Viable paleosol microorganisms, paleoclimatic reconstruction, and relative dating in archaeology: a test case from Hell Gap, Wyoming, USA.  Journal of Archaeological Science 46:217-228.

2014.    Holliday VT, Surovell TA, Meltzer DJ, Grayson DK, and Boslough M.  The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis: A cosmic catastrophe.  Journal of Quaternary Science 29:515-530

2014.    Karavanić I, Janković I, Ahern JCM, Smith FH.  Current research on the Middle Paleolithic cave, open-air and underwater sites in Dalmatia, Croatia.  Dolní Věstonice Studies. 20: 31-36.

2014.    Karavanić, I, Vukosavljević N, Šošić Klindžić R, Ahern JCM, Čondić N, Becker R, Zubčić K, Šuta I, Gerometta K, Boschian G. Projekt Kasni musterijen na istočnom Jadranu – temelj za razumijevanje identiteta kasnih neandertalaca i njihovog nestanka: sažetak 1. godine istraživanja/Project Late Mousterian in the eastern Adriatic – towards understanding of late Neanderthals identity and their demise: summary of the first year results. Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu. 31:.139-158.

2014.    Kelly RL, Naudinot N. Introduction to the Frison Institute Symposium on Radiocarbon Dating Applications. Journal of Archaeological Science 52: 548-548.

2014.    Ostahowski B and Kelly RL. Alm Rockshelter Lithic Debitage Analysis: Implications for Hunter-Gatherer Mobility Strategies in the Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming. In Lithics in the West, edited by D. MacDonald, W. Andrefsky, and P-L. Yu, pp. 118-139. University of Montana Press, Missoula.

2014.    Waguespack NM, Surovell TA.
 A Simple Method for Identifying Households Using Lithic Assemblages: A Case Study from a Folsom Campsite in Middle Park, Colorado. In Lithics in the West: Using Lithic Analysis to Solve Archaeological Problems in Western North America, edited by Douglas MacDonald, William Andrefsky, and Pei-Lin Yu, pp. 37-51, University of Montana Press.

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