Anthropology Department
12th and Lewis Streets
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5136
B.S. 1995, University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.A. 1999, University of Arizona
Ph.D. 2003, University of Arizona • (307) 314-2733 • Anthropology Bldg 118
Visit the Website of Todd Surovell
Dr. Surovell specializes in the archaeology of hunter-gatherers and the first peoples
of the New World. He has done fieldwork in Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Oklahoma,
Arizona, Wisconsin, Denmark, and Israel. He is a proponent of human behavioral ecology,
and has used this approach to explore questions of past human demography, subsistence,
and technology. He commonly uses mathematical modeling, computer simulation, and geoarchaeological
methods in his work.He teaches a variety of courses in archaeology but most regularly
Geoarchaeology, Quantitative Methods for Anthropologists, and Old World Archaeology.
ANTH 3600 Archaeological Sciences
ANTH 4135/5135 Quantitative Methods for Anthropologists
ANTH 4130/5130 Old World Archaeology
ANTH 4150/5150 Seminar: Colonization of the Americas
ANTH 4150/5150 Computer Programming for Archaeologists
ANTH 4170/5170 Geoarchaeology
Surovell, T. A. (2022) Barger Gulch: A Folsom Campsite in the Rocky Mountains. University of Arizona Press: Tucson. (link)
Surovell, T. A., S. A. Allaun, B. A. Crass, J. A. M. Gingerich, C. E. Holmes, R. L. Kelly, M. Kornfeld, K. E. Krasinski, M. L. Larson, S. R. Pelton, B. T. Wygal (2022) Late Date of Human Arrival to North America: Continental Scale Differences in the Stratigraphic Integrity of pre-13,000 BP Archaeological Sites. PLOS One 17(4): e026409. (link, open access)
Surovell, T. A., S. R. Pelton, M. E. Mackie, C. M. Mahan, M. J. O'Brien, R. L. Kelly, C. V. Haynes, Jr. and G. C. Frison (2021) The La Prele Mammoth Site, Converse County, Wyoming, USA. In Human-Elephant Interactions from Past to Present, edited by G. Konidaris, R. Barkai, V. Tourloukis, and K. Harvati. Tuebingen Paleoanthropology Book Series – Contributions in Paleoanthropology 1, Tuebingen University Press, Tuebingen, pp. 303-319. (pdf) DOI:
Surovell, T. A., J. L. Toohey, A. D. Myers, J. M. LaBelle, J. C. M. Ahern, and B.
2017 The end of archaeological discovery. American Antiquity 82:288-300.
Surovell, T. A., J. R. Boyd, J. R., C. V. Haynes, Jr.,and Gregory W. L. Hodgins
2016 On the dating of the Folsom complex and its correlation with the Younger Dryas, the
end of Clovis, and megafaunal extinction. Paleoamerica 2:81-89
Surovell, T. A. and M. J. O’Brien
2016 Mobility at the scale of meters. Evolutionary Anthropology 25:142-152
Surovell, T. A. and S. R. Pelton
2016 Spatio-temporal variation in the preservation of faunal remains. Biology Letters
Surovell, T. A., S. R. Pelton, R. Anderson-Sprecher, and A. D. Myers
2016 Test of Martin’s overkill using radiocarbon dates on extinct megafauna. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113:886-891
Mackie, Madeline E., T. A. Surovell, and M. J. O’Brien
2015 Identifying stone alignments created by adults and children: A case study from a
Dukha reindeer herder summer camp, Khövsgöl Aimag, Mongolia. Sibirica 14(2):29-44.
Prasciunas, Mary and T. A. Surovell
2015 Reevaluating the Duration of Clovis: The Problem of Non-Representative Radiocarbon
Dates Age estimates for the duration of the Clovis complex In Clovis: On the Edge
of a New Understanding, edited by Ashley M. Smallwood and Thomas a. Jennings. Texas
A&M University Press, College Station, Texas, pp. 21-35.
Human Behavioral Ecology, New World Colonization, Lithic Technology, Human Demography, Subsistence, Pleistocene Extinctions, Geoarchaeology, Archaeological Modeling
Anthropology Department
12th and Lewis Streets
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5136