Department of Anthropology
Assessment plans for all degree programs in Anthropology
- Assessment Plan for Minors
- Assessment Plan for BA in Anthropology
- Assessment Plan for MA in Anthropology
- Assessment Plan for Ph.D. Program
Assessment Plan for Ph.D. Program
Learning Outcomes
- Students who graduate with a PhD in Anthropology from UW have professional and specialized
training so that they can move into careers in academic or non-academic tracks.
- Students who graduate with a PhD in Anthropology from UW will have a dissertation
research experience that results in professional publication(s), thereby contributing
to the expansion of knowledge.
- Students who graduate with a PhD in Anthropology from UW will have practical experience
that will promote their movement into professional careers in a reasonable amount
of time.
Objectives Related to Learning Outcome 1
Obj. 1. Doctoral students aided by the dissertation committee set up individualized
programs of content courses, ensuring appropriate career track and specialization.
Obj. 2. Students complete college teaching experience, a course in Anthropology's
teaching and learning culture, and professionalism course to prepare for possible
academic career. Students teach at least one stand-alone course.
Obj. 3. Students complete internship experience, K-12, or public education focus in
course on teaching and learning, and professionalism course to prepare for possible
non-academic career track.
Methods of Assessment (1)
- Doctoral students create and maintain teaching portfolio with self evaluation, teaching
evaluations. Faculty review of all teaching experiences.
- Doctoral students create and maintain internship portfolio with self-report, evaluation,
agency and supervisor evaluations, etc. Faculty review of all teaching experiences.
Objectives Related to Learning Outcome 2
Obj. 1. Doctoral student engages in dissertation research projects, fieldwork, and
laboratory work under supervision of dissertation advisor.
Obj. 2. Students apply for extramural funding, conduct original research, and write
at a publishable level.
Obj. 3. Students submit at least 1 paper for peer-reviewed publication before graduation;
and present at least one paper at regional/national conference.
Methods of Assessment (2)
- Annual dissertation committee assessments of students' progress to discuss student
progress in independent research, presentations, publications and the dissertation,
and track student involvement in collaborative efforts such as faculty sponsored research
and co-authored papers/articles.
- Doctoral students create and maintain a research portfolio/archive with research proposals,
publications, papers, etc.
- Copies of submissions of proposals for funding (from professionalism course) maintained
by instructor in course portfolio/archive.
Time Line:
Discuss and Confirm Learning Outcome 2003-2004
Agree on Measurable Objectives 2003-2004
Determine Assessment Methods and Assign Tasks to Faculty working with Doctoral Students
Create Assessment Schedule 2005
Evaluate Portfolio data 2006-2007 using rubric
Use Data Collected for Program Evaluation 2005-09
Implement Any Changes 2009-13 (includes Faculty with Doctoral Students working as
a Committee proposing changes to current curriculum, Department Vote/Discussion at
Retreat or Meeting and Monitoring by Department Head or Chair of Graduate committee.)
Assessment Plan for MA in Anthropology
Learning Outcomes
- Students who graduate with an MA in Anthropology from UW will be able to explain the
content of the "four fields" of Anthropology and their interrelationship in written
and oral formats.
- Students who graduate with an MA in Anthropology from UW will have a experience in
original research.
- Students who graduate with an MA in Anthropology from UW will develop skills which
foster professionalism as related to their chosen fields.
Objectives Related to Learning Outcome 1
Obj. 1. Students learn basic content of each subfield in at least 1 course.
Obj. 2. Students write a short paper presenting their thesis research and how it relates
to the four fields of Anthropology.
Obj. 3. Students demonstrate competence and familiarity with the four fields by presenting
their paper and thesis research before the faculty and department.
Methods of Assessment
- Students demonstrate knowledge of interrelationship of subfields by writing short
paper, which is evaluated by a faculty committee using rubric.
- Students demonstrate knowledge of subfield content by successful completion of oral
presentation as evaluated by a faculty committee using rubric.
Objectives Related to Learning Outcome 2
Obj. 1. Students develop, implement, and complete their own Plan A or B projects.
Methods of Assessment
- Successful development and completion of Plan A or B projects.
- Graduation rates as determined for annual report or data collected for the Graduate
Objectives Related to Learning Outcome 3
Obj. 1. Students give at least one lecture in classes for which they are the GA and/or
conduct museum and site tours for the general public.
Obj. 2. Students disseminate research results at professional conferences or other
professional venues.
Obj. 3. Students gain internship or work experience at federal or state agencies,
private companies, or in UW contracts, grants or research.
Methods of Assessment
- Students write applications for GA positions which reflect on their teaching and research
experiences and qualifications reviewed every semester by entire faculty, at which
students' past performance and experiences are discussed before positions are assigned.
- Students report to advisors about conference presentations and other professional
activities which are also recorded in annual report and/or faculty update.
- Career tracking information maintained by department head
Schedule: Information collected throughout the academic year for discussion at the annual
retreat each fall.
Time Line
Department at retreat or meeting confirms Learning Outcome 2003-2004
Department Confirms Measurable Objectives 2003-2004
Refine Assessment Methods 2005
Create Assessment Schedule and Assign Tasks 2005
Use Data Collected, Review Faculty Proposals for Change 2006-2007
Discuss and Vote on Changes at Retreat or Meeting; Implement and Monitor Any Changes
Assessment Plan for BA in Anthropology
Learning Outcomes
- Student demonstrates knowledge about the four fields of anthropology and their interrelationship.
- Student participates in a research experience and understands its process.
- Student demonstrates ability to analyze and synthesize in relation to anthropological
issues or theories.
Objectives Related to Learning Outcome 1
Obj. 1. Students learn methods and theories used in each subfield by taking lower
and upper division courses in the four fields.
Obj. 2. Students complete class assignments that integrate all four subfields.
Methods of Assessment
- Students demonstrate knowledge of interrelationship of subfields by rubric in Anthropology
Objectives Related to Learning Outcome 2
Obj. 1. Student participates in a research experience and understands its process.
Methods of Assessment
- Student research demonstrated in class portfolio in Anth 3310 (required course on
quantitative research with individual research papers required).
Objectives Related to Learning Outcome 3
Obj. 1. Student demonstrates ability to analyze and synthesize in relation to anthropological
issues or theories.
Methods of Assessment
- Reflective exercise in Anth 4010 (required capstone - Students describe which anthropological
theories best fit their view of culture at the beginning of the course, then assess
this early work at the end of the course).
Schedule: Information collected in academic year for discussion at following fall retreat.
Time Line
Review, Refine, and Confirm Learning Outcome 2006
Review, Refine and Confirm Measurable Objectives 2006-2007
Create Assessment Schedule 2006
Discuss Data Collected 2006-2007
Refine Assessment Methods and Review Tasks 2008
Implement Any Changes 2007 (Department votes at retreat or meeting after reviewing
changes. Curricular issues monitored by Department Head in faculty teaching portfolios
and post tenure review.)
Assessment Plan for Minors
Learning Outcomes
- Students learn sufficient subfield information to complement a variety of disciplines.
- Students learn basic methods of the discipline.
- Students learn basic theories/types of subfield explanation.
- Students take sufficient coursework to ensure both breadth and depth in the field.
- Students have research experiences in their courses.
- Students analyze data and its collection.
- Students evaluate theories in written assignments.
- Students are exposed to a variety of regional contexts.
- Students understand the value of subfield for understanding contemporary events and
issues by reading, discussion, and writing.
Following revision Minor in Anthropology from four (each subfield) to one (Anthropology)
in 2007, the learning outcomes, objectives, and methods of assessment will be developed
during the 2007-2008 school year.