
Stacey Ann Tilton grew up in Golden, Colorado where she was surrounded with the beauty of art and nature. She uses these experiences to develop her own unique impressions of the world around her. The art she creates, tangibly expresses her thoughts and experiences. 

Artist Statement

As we experience pain, loss, or fear, we begin to develop the counterpart to the soul, our shadows, which for me, manifests in vivid dreams. Few nights go by where I am not visited by figures that seem remarkably realistic, bringing neither good tidings nor bad. It became my obsession to create a physical image to capture the essence of these other world beings that continue to appear. These figures represent what might be behind you when you look back and see no one is there. By creating a series of prints that have a similar quality, the figures become tangible. Working on paper that is almost non-existent, ghost like prints are created, where at the right angle, a glimpse of the entire figure can be seen. A series of multiple prints became important due to the frequency of their appearances in my dreams, and now that they have a physical from, I may no longer see them.


Lithograph of male figure with wings
Lithograph of male figures with wings
Jericho Boy- Variation 1
Jericho Boy- Variation 2



Lithograph of male figures with wings
Lithograph of male figures with wings
Jericho Boy- Variation 3
Jericho Boys- Variation 1



Lithograph of male figures with wings
Jericho Boys- Variation 2
Contact Us

Department of Visual Arts
Visual Arts Building, Room 110

Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (Academic Year)

7:30 am - 4:30 pm (Summer)

1000 E. University Ave.

Dept. 3138

Laramie, WY 82070

Phone: (307) 766-3269


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