ASUW Office
1000 E. University Ave.
Wyoming Union, Room 020, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5204
The Committee shall serve to provide internal ASUW fiscal accountability, provide a fiscal planning process for those programs and activities financially supported by ASUW funds, provide research into and recommendations about the cost effectiveness of ASUW programs, develop and recommend, for Senate approval, necessary changes or additions in the ASUW Finance Policy; and prepare for Senate approval all fiscal budgets for the ASUW and its subsidiary operations.
The Committee shall promulgate procedures and requirements for maintaining internal ASUW financial control and accountability in any area where ASUW funds are utilized, establish procedures for the timely preparation and consideration of all budget requests utilizing ASUW resources, and recommend to the Senate such changes or additions to the ASUW Finance Policy as are necessary and appropriate. Furthermore, the Committee shall give a presentation to the Senate over the ASUW Finance Policy, as well as the ASUW budget , each semester. The Committee shall be vested with all necessary and appropriate powers to carry out its purpose under these rules.
The Committee shall consist of a minimum of six (6) ASUW Senators (two of which shall be returning Senators) one (1) returning Senator shall serve as chairperson, and a minimum of three (3) ASUW Students-at-Large, with one (1) being a First-Year Senator, an advisor appointed by the University ASUW By-Laws Page | 11, Vice President for Administration, and the ASUW Advisor. The ASUW Vice President shall appoint one (1) Executive Assistant to serve as an ex-officio on the committee.
Meeting Time: Fridays from 9:00am to 10:00am in the Warm Valley Room (Union Room 202)
Chair: Senator Riley Talamantes
ASUW Senators: Jason Wilkins, Jacob Dawson, Michaela McGee, Noah Engel-Cartie, John Houghton
First-Year Senators: TBA
Executives: Director of Finance and Student Organizations Reyes-Aguilar, Director of Financial Planning and Analysis Stadler
Students-at-Large: TBA
ASUW Office
1000 E. University Ave.
Wyoming Union, Room 020, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5204