ASUW Office
1000 E. University Ave.
Wyoming Union, Room 020, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5204
Applications for funding must be submitted through UWConnect by Monday at 5 pm, at least 5 weeks before the day of your event.
The Board shall, pursuant to the provisions of the ASUW Finance Policy, serve to consider and recommend approval by the Senate for the use of budgeted ASUW funds to facilitate, during a fiscal period, the on-going requests by students and student organizations for ASUW financial support.
The Board shall have the responsibility of considering the requests of students and student organizations for ASUW funds; recommending Senate action on such requests, and the authority to administer the ASUW Finance Policy pursuant to budgeted allocations of such funds. The SO Funding Board is the only ASUW Branch, Program or Service that has ability to allocate funds to SOs. The Committee shall be vested with all necessary and appropriate powers to carry out its purpose under these rules.
The Board shall consist of a minimum of six (6) ASUW Senators, one (1) Senator with Board experience shall serve as chairperson, and a minimum of three (3) ASUW Students-at-Large, with one (1) being a Freshman Senator. The ASUW Vice President shall appoint one (1) Executive Assistant to serve as an ex-officio on the committee. The ASUW Advisor, or designee, shall serve as advisor.
Meeting Time: Mondays from 3:30pm to 4:30pm in the Big Horn Room of the Union
Chair: Senator Dylan Laverell
ASUW Senators: Anthony Catsronovo, Noah Engel-Cartie, Sterling Bowers, Zayne Cooper
First-Year Senators: TBA
Executives: Director of Finance and Student Organizations Relations Reyes-Aguilar, Director of Marketing Clark
Additional resources may be found on the SO Funding page.
SO Funding Board Allocations can be found in the Finance Policy Section III.
Contact Director of Student Organizations and Finance Relations Berg at
ASUW Office
1000 E. University Ave.
Wyoming Union, Room 020, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5204