Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
EN 4055
Dept. 3295
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)766-2500
All incoming Ph.D. students who have not been assigned to an advisor are required to meet with all the faculty members (and obtain their signatures) in their program to get information regarding their research projects and evaluate the possibility of joining one of the research groups.
Students who graduate with a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Wyoming will:
M.S. Plan A list (except CHE, PETE 5960); plus CHE 5090; petitions allowed |
- 26 credit hours |
Dissertation Research (CHE or PETE 5980) | - 30 credit hours |
Electives (no internship 5990) | - 16 credit hours |
- 72 credit hours |
Ph.D. students must pass a preliminary examination. The examination should be scheduled about a year before the final dissertation defense. The university requires at least 15 weeks between the preliminary examination and the dissertation defense. Students must complete at least 30 hours of coursework and file the committee assignment and program of study forms prior to the examination.
The examination consists of an oral presentation to the student's graduate committee. At least one week before the presentation, the student must provide each member of the graduate committee with a written document; its format is at the discretion of the adviser, but it should be at least a copy of the slides used for the presentation. Both the paper and the presentation must describe the student's research progress and plans to complete the research. The report on prelim exam form must be completed, signed by all committee members, and sent by the student's adviser to the Office of the Registrar.
All chemical and biomedical engineering graduate students must enroll in CHE/PETE 5890, Chemical Engineering Seminar, every semester. All seminars, including the required presentations described below, must be scheduled by the seminar coordinator.
Ph.D. candidates must present the following seminars before they graduate:
A student who presents a paper at a conference is encouraged to present this same work as a CHE/PETE 5890 seminar. The seminars should be attended and evaluated by the committee members with input from the faculty. At least one week before the presentation, the student must provide each member of the committee and faculty with a written document; its format is at the discretion of the adviser, but it should be at least a copy of the slides used for the presentation. Registered off-campus graduate students can be exempt from having to enroll in CHE/PETE 5890, but not from having to give the required seminars.
Ph.D. students must orally defend their dissertation at a public final examination.The defense time and room must be scheduled by the seminar coordinator. A copy of the Ph.D. dissertation must be delivered to each member of the graduate committee and faculty at least three weeks before the defense. Dissertation students must give a defense announcement to their department. The defense must be advertised by bulletin board postings, e-mail, or other means. Often, graduate committee members request changes in the thesis or dissertation, and they may postpone signing the form until they are satisfied that those changes have been made. The report on final exam form must be completed, signed by all committee members, and sent by the student's adviser to the Office of the Registrar.
After the defense, an electronic copy (in PDF format) of the dissertation must be uploaded in accordance with the Registrar's requirements. This copy will be rejected if the format standards specified by the Dissertation Format Guide are not met. This guide allows for a publication-ready format. If required by the department and/or committee additional copies should be delivered to the University Bookstore for binding. A third, bound copy must be submitted to the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering for the departmental library. Most students will want one or more copies for their own use. Students should consult with their adviser to determine if the adviser wants a copy of the thesis, dissertation, or other research documentation.
Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
EN 4055
Dept. 3295
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)766-2500