Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management
EN 3074
Dept. 3295
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)766-2390
WYDOT, 2020, for 121.3K, UW portion 116.3K, “Reducing Shrinkage in Concrete Bridge Decks Using Single and Double Ring Test Methods.” PI-J. Tanner
FGIA (Faculty Grant in Aid-UW internal competition), 2018, $7.5K, “Quantification of Strength of Masonry Beams with Openings and Development of Safe-Design Provisions”. PI J. Tanner
MPC (Mountain Plains Consortium), 2017. “Using an Ultra-accelerated Test Method to Evaluate Aggregate and Cement Combinations to Use Recycled Concrete Aggregate in New Concrete Construction”. PI – J. Tanner
Partners in the Americas, 2016. “Enhancing International Exchanges between Engineering Students at the University of Wyoming and the Autonomous University of Yucatán in Mérida, Mexico.” PIs – J. Tanner, M.K. Scott Co-PIs, K Befus, D. Coon, S. Bunning.
WYDOT, 2016. “Development of an Ultra-Accelerated Test to Evaluate ASR Potential in Concrete”. PI – J. Tanner
SER, 2016. “Development of silica aerogel and foam glass for green building materials using Wyoming wastes – coal ash and other resources.” PIs – G. Tann (75%), J. Tanner (25%)
WYDOT, 2014. Evaluating and optimizing the use of fly ash to mitigate ASR in Wyoming.
Xella North America, 2013. “Investigation of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Thin Panel Systems”. PI – Jennifer Tanner
WYDOT, 2012. “Evaluating the Risk of Alkali-Silica Risk in Wyoming: Continued
Evaluation of Field Specimens, Proposed Mitigation Strategies and Improving Existing ASTM Standards”. PI – Jennifer Tanner
NCMA, 2010. “Single-wythe Concrete Masonry Walls-An Investigation of the Fundamentals of Moisture Resistance” PI – Jennifer Tanner, Donald Harvey.
General Electric Wind, 2009. “Small-scale Testing of Wind Tower Structures”. PI – Jennifer Tanner
WYDOT, 2009. “Using Non-destructive Evaluation Techniques to Evaluate Bridge Deck Conditions.” PI – Jennifer Tanner
OTREC (Oregon Transportation Research Council), 2009. “Durability Assessment of Recycled Concrete Aggregates for use in New Concrete Phase I and II”, PI’s Jason Ideker and Jennifer Tanner
WYDOT, 2006. “Evaluating the Risk of Alkali-Silica Reaction in Wyoming through and Inter-laboratory Investigation of Multiple ASR Evaluation Methods.” PI – Jennifer Tanner RMMI, NCMA and PCA, 2006. “Development of Masonry Laboratory Experiments and Non-Destructive Testing Methods” PI – Jennifer Tanner
NCHRP 12-73. December 2004 for $500,000. “Design Guidelines for Durability of Bonded CFRP Repari/Strengthening of Concrete Beams”. PI’s Charles Dolan, H.R. Hamilton III (University of Florida), Co-PI’s - David Mukai, Jennifer Tanner (National Academy of Science Project).
AltusGROUP (Consortium of pre-cast producers). June 2004 for $78,000. “Shear Strength of Sandwich Panels using C-Grid as Shear Transfer Reinforcement”. Phase 1 of the proposal was 53K and the sponsors continued to request additional components in the project. PI Jennifer Tanner Co-PI Charles Dolan.
Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management
EN 3074
Dept. 3295
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)766-2390