Constructive Destruction


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Devils Tower


Jenny with students outside a building

Teaching is both a responsibility and a privilege. Preparing students for structural engineering requires combining material behavior, physics, mechanics of materials and design code requirements.

My goals in teaching are the following:

  1. Reinforce work in previous classes by applying it to current work.

  2. Expose students to building codes and fundamental physics behind specific equations to consider flexure, shear or other failure modes.

  3. Motivate students to ask questions and compare engineering models to real world situations.

  4. Stimulate independent thinking and reading outside of class.

Classes that I teach and samples of laboratory activities are shown below.

CAE 4280 - Masonry Design

  • Masonry Lab Website (Website link) (Masonry 1-4)

CAE 4260 - Reinforced Concrete Design

CAE 3210 Engineering Materials

CE 5220 Dynamics of Structures

CE 5290 Earthquake Engineering

CE 5230 Advanced Materials

ES 2110 Statics

ES 2410 Mechanics of Materials

ES 3010 Culture and Engineering of Mexico

CAE 3200 Structural Analysis I

Contact Us

Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management

EN 3074

Dept. 3295

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307)766-2390


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