College of Arts and Sciences

Criminal Justice Program

Paul D. Gregory

Image of faculty member Paul Gregory standing in front of a grey scale brick wall


Assistant Lecturer

307-268-2143 | UU 337


Academic Credits

Ph.D., Sociology, Western Michigan University, 2004

M.A., Sociology, University of Houston-Clear Lake Wyoming, 1999

B.S., Criminal Justice, Lamar University, 1992


Classes Taught at UW

Sociology of Law

Introduction to Criminal Justice

Social Inequality


Research Interests

Community Corrections and Treatment

Problem-solving Courts

Program Evaluation


Research Experience

Dr. Gregory joined the University of Wyoming in 2024. Prior to this, he was Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater from 2006 to 2024. Dr. Gregory worked as the program coordinator of the Ottawa County Adult and Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Programs from 2004 to 2006. He was also employed as an adult probation officer for the State of Texas from 1993-2000. Dr. Gregory’s research interests focus on the areas of correctional treatment and problem-solving court program evaluation. His research has been published in Sociological Imagination, Journal of Drug Issues, and International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.

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