College of Arts and Sciences

Criminal Justice Program

Clair V. Uding

A photo of Professor Claire Uding

Associate Professor
307-766-2919 | AS 310

Academic Credits

Ph.D. 2015, Arizona State University, Criminology and Criminal Justice
B.A., 2009, Colorado State University, Sociology

Academic Positions

University of Wyoming, Department of Criminal Justice, Assistant Professor
George Mason University, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, Postdoctoral Fellow

Classes Taught

  • Criminology
  • Research Methods
  • Policing

Research Interests

  • Communities and place
  • Mental health
  • Police legitimacy and procedural justice
  • Survey Research

Research Experience

Dr. Clair V. Uding completed her Ph.D. at Arizona State University in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice in 2015.  After completing her degree, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, where she directed data collection efforts for a large residential survey in crime hot spots throughout Baltimore. Her research interests include crime and place/communities, police legitimacy and procedural justice, and the criminal justice system’s response to mental health problems. More broadly, she is interested in how individuals with mental health problems become involved in the criminal justice system and the collateral consequences of this involvement on mental health and well-being.

Currently, her work focuses on police responses to mental health crisis calls and the location of mental health crises in micro-geographic places in Baltimore, as well as other public health issues and social problems at crime hot spots. She also has extensive experience with survey research design and primary data collection. Her research has been published in a number of journals including Criminology and Public Policy, Policing: A Journal of Policy & Practice, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, and the American Journal of Community Psychology.

Contact Us

Department of Criminal Justice and Sociology

Department 3197 | A&S 208

1000 E. University Avenue

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-2988


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