Educational Research
Learn more below about the available courses in the Educational Research program at
the University of Wyoming College of Education.
EDRE 5530 Introduction to Research (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Offered online every semester.
- Basic concepts of educational research design, statistics, and measurement
- Focus is on reading and critiquing research articles
- Introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics
- Conduct a review of the literature
EDRE 5550 Action Research (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Offered every fall (online).
- Introduce experienced classroom teachers to action research methodology
- Review and critique action research studies
- Plan, implement, and write up an action research study conducted in a classroom setting
EDRE 5600 Educational Research 1: Introduction to Quantitative research (3 credits)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing, Doctoral students, EDRE 5530 or consent of instructor.
Offered online every fall and spring.
- Basic concepts of educational survey research design, statistics, and measurement
- Focus is on descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency, variability, percent
and frequency distribution, bivariate correlation, graphical displays, testing hypotheses
about proportions)
- Develop questionnaires (includes validity and reliability)
- Plan, conduct, and report survey study using APA style
EDRE 5610 Educational Research: Group Comparison Research (3 credits)
Prerequisites: EDRE 5530 and EDRE 5600. Offered online every spring.
- Concepts of experimental and ex post facto research designs, statistics, and measurement
- Focus is on inferential statistics (bivariate correlation, testing hypotheses about
means using t-tests, one-way ANOVA, factorial ANOVA, and ANCOVA)
- Construction of attitude scales and other instruments used in research (includes validity
and reliability)
- Plan, conduct, and report group comparison study using APA style
EDRE 5620 Educational Research: Correlational Research (3 credits)
Prerequisites: EDRE 5530 and EDRE 5600. Offered every fall (online).
- Concepts of correlational research, statistics, and measurement
- Focus is on the design and analysis of results from correlational studies
- Statistical topics include MANOVA, multiple regression, factor analysis, and discriminant
- Includes measurement topics in classical measurement theory and additional topics
in validity and reliability
- Plan, conduct, and report correlational study using APA style
EDRE 5630 Educational Research 4: Multivariate Research (3 credits)
Prerequisites: EDRE 5530 and EDRE 5600 and EDRE 5610 or EDRE 5620. Offered online
in summer, odd years only.
- Focus is on multivariate analysis, clustering, and discriminant analysis
- Understand path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling
- Understand the assumptions, proper uses, and limitations of all techniques
EDRE 5640 Introduction to Qualitative Research (3 credits)
Prerequisites: Graduate standing, Doctoral students, EDRE 5530 or consent of instructor.
Offered online every fall and spring.
- Introduction to qualitative research methods, including foundations, social science
theories, methods, and processes of qualitative research
- Opportunity to critically evaluate qualitative research
- Discussion of basic design principles, trustworthiness, and analysis
EDRE 5645 Phenomenology, Case Study, and Grounded Theory in Qualitative Research (3
Prerequisites: EDRE 5530, EDRE 5640. Offered online every fall.
- Indepth examination of characteristics of phenomenology, qualitative case study, and
grounded theory
- Become familiar with theoretical and historical foundations of phenomenology, case
study, and grounded theory
- Exposure to research designs utilizing phenomenology, case study, and grounded theory
EDRE 5655 Ethnography & Narrative Inquiry in Qualitative Research (3 credits)
Prerequisites: EDRE 5530, EDRE 5640. Offered online every spring.
- Identify and explain problems addressed by ethnography and narrative inquiry
- Examine ethical dilemmas related to ethnography and narrative inquiry
- Understand how to design, implement, and describe an ethnography and narrative inquiry
EDRE 5660 Dissertation/Thesis Prospectus Writing (3 credits)
Prerequisites: At least two of the following: EDRE 5600, EDRE 5610, EDRE 5620, EDRE
5640, EDRE 5650, EDRE 5645, and EDRE 5655 (or equivalents) or consent of instructor.
Offered online every semester.
- Purpose is to develop a first draft of thesis/dissertation proposal (typically chapters
- Topic is chosen in consultation with student's committee chair
- Topics addressed include focusing on a research problem, conducting a literature review,
and designing appropriate methodology
This course cannot be used to meet research hour requirements for UW graduate degrees.
EDRE 5670 Mixed Methods Research
Prerequisites: At least EDRE 5600 (or equivalents) and EDRE 5640 (or equivalents).
Offered online every fall.
- Purpose is to provide students with a definition of mixed methods, the history and
foundations, and specific types of mixed methods design
- Discuss strategies for locating and reading mixed methods studies
- Plan a mixed methods study using APA style
EDRE 5870 Special Topics in Qualitative Research
Prerequisite: EDRE 5640. Offered online/Zoom in summer, even years only.
- Purpose is to develop expertise in current qualitative research methods