Program Courses

Educational Research

Learn more below about the available courses in the Educational Research program at the University of Wyoming College of Education.

EDRE 5530 Introduction to Research (3 credits)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Offered online every semester.

  • Basic concepts of educational research design, statistics, and measurement
  • Focus is on reading and critiquing research articles
  • Introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics
  • Conduct a review of the literature

EDRE 5550 Action Research (3 credits)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Offered every fall (online).

  • Introduce experienced classroom teachers to action research methodology
  • Review and critique action research studies
  • Plan, implement, and write up an action research study conducted in a classroom setting

EDRE 5600 Educational Research 1: Introduction to Quantitative research (3 credits)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing, Doctoral students, EDRE 5530 or consent of instructor. Offered online every fall and spring.

  • Basic concepts of educational survey research design, statistics, and measurement
  • Focus is on descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency, variability, percent and frequency distribution, bivariate correlation, graphical displays, testing hypotheses about proportions)
  • Develop questionnaires (includes validity and reliability)
  • Plan, conduct, and report survey study using APA style

EDRE 5610 Educational Research: Group Comparison Research (3 credits)

Prerequisites: EDRE 5530 and EDRE 5600. Offered online every spring.

  • Concepts of experimental and ex post facto research designs, statistics, and measurement
  • Focus is on inferential statistics (bivariate correlation, testing hypotheses about means using t-tests, one-way ANOVA, factorial ANOVA, and ANCOVA)
  • Construction of attitude scales and other instruments used in research (includes validity and reliability)
  • Plan, conduct, and report group comparison study using APA style

EDRE 5620 Educational Research: Correlational Research (3 credits)

Prerequisites: EDRE 5530 and EDRE 5600. Offered every fall (online).

  • Concepts of correlational research, statistics, and measurement
  • Focus is on the design and analysis of results from correlational studies
  • Statistical topics include MANOVA, multiple regression, factor analysis, and discriminant analysis
  • Includes measurement topics in classical measurement theory and additional topics in validity and reliability
  • Plan, conduct, and report correlational study using APA style

EDRE 5630 Educational Research 4: Multivariate Research (3 credits)

Prerequisites: EDRE 5530 and EDRE 5600 and EDRE 5610 or EDRE 5620. Offered online in summer, odd years only.

  • Focus is on multivariate analysis, clustering, and discriminant analysis
  • Understand path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling
  • Understand the assumptions, proper uses, and limitations of all techniques

EDRE 5640 Introduction to Qualitative Research (3 credits)

Prerequisites: Graduate standing, Doctoral students, EDRE 5530 or consent of instructor. Offered online every fall and spring.

  • Introduction to qualitative research methods, including foundations, social science theories, methods, and processes of qualitative research
  • Opportunity to critically evaluate qualitative research
  • Discussion of basic design principles, trustworthiness, and analysis

EDRE 5645 Phenomenology, Case Study, and Grounded Theory in Qualitative Research (3 credits)

Prerequisites: EDRE 5530, EDRE 5640. Offered online every fall.

  • Indepth examination of characteristics of phenomenology, qualitative case study, and grounded theory
  • Become familiar with theoretical and historical foundations of phenomenology, case study, and grounded theory
  • Exposure to research designs utilizing phenomenology, case study, and grounded theory

EDRE 5655 Ethnography & Narrative Inquiry in Qualitative Research (3 credits)

Prerequisites: EDRE 5530, EDRE 5640. Offered online every spring.

  • Identify and explain problems addressed by ethnography and narrative inquiry
  • Examine ethical dilemmas related to ethnography and narrative inquiry
  • Understand how to design, implement, and describe an ethnography and narrative inquiry

EDRE 5660 Dissertation/Thesis Prospectus Writing (3 credits)

Prerequisites: At least two of the following: EDRE 5600, EDRE 5610, EDRE 5620, EDRE 5640, EDRE 5650, EDRE 5645, and EDRE 5655 (or equivalents) or consent of instructor. Offered online every semester.

  • Purpose is to develop a first draft of thesis/dissertation proposal (typically chapters 1-3)
  • Topic is chosen in consultation with student's committee chair
  • Topics addressed include focusing on a research problem, conducting a literature review, and designing appropriate methodology

This course cannot be used to meet research hour requirements for UW graduate degrees.

EDRE 5670 Mixed Methods Research

Prerequisites: At least EDRE 5600 (or equivalents) and EDRE 5640 (or equivalents). Offered online every fall.

  • Purpose is to provide students with a definition of mixed methods, the history and foundations, and specific types of mixed methods design
  • Discuss strategies for locating and reading mixed methods studies
  • Plan a mixed methods study using APA style

EDRE 5870 Special Topics in Qualitative Research

Prerequisite: EDRE 5640. Offered online/Zoom in summer, even years only.

  • Purpose is to develop expertise in current qualitative research methods

Contact Us:

Courtney McKim
Educational Research Program Coordinator

(307) 766-4803

Tiffany J. Le GAL
Office Associate, Senior
(307) 766-5649

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