Creative Writing Program
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-3269
Fax: 307-766-3189
Good Standing and Assistantship Expectations
To maintain good standing in the MFA program, each semester a student must:
maintain a B average or higher;
meet expectations in the performance of the duties associated with the graduate assistantship;
and, in the second year and any subsequent year, maintain satisfactory progress on the thesis (as determined by the thesis chair in consultation with the MFA director).
Full-time students are expected to complete their required coursework and their thesis by the end of the fourth semester. The MFA director may grant a petition to waive this requirement only in rare circumstances, such as illness, or if the student is pursuing a dual graduate degree. In such circumstances, the student must demonstrate active and satisfactory progress toward the completion of the thesis in order to maintain good standing in the program beyond the fourth semester. Part-time students will be expected to complete all of the program requirements within four years.
Performance of assistantship duties will be assessed on a semesterly basis by the MFA director and the assistantship supervisor(s). Failure to meet expectations in the performance of the assistantship duties will result in loss of the assistantship and may result in dismissal from the program. Academic dishonesty, or dishonesty in any matters related to student funding (including MFA funding, UW grants, and other grant programs), will constitute grounds for dismissal from the program. Lastly, a student who consistently disrupts the collegial atmosphere necessary to MFA workshops and program-related activities may be asked to leave the program.
Full-time students are required to be on campus and in residence for each semester of the two-year program (summer excluded).
The distribution of program benefits requires good standing in the program.
Time to Degree
University of Wyoming policy gives both full-time and part-time students six calendar years (continuously enrolled) to complete a master's level degree. We expect much more rapid completion, as noted above, except in unusual circumstances. If a student has not completed the degree requirements within six calendar years, the MFA program may, in consultation with the student's thesis committee, conclude the student's pursuit of the degree at that time.
Creative Writing Program
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-3269
Fax: 307-766-3189