Contact Us

Dean of Students Office

Knight Hall 128

Dept. 3135, 1000 E. University Dr.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-3296

Fax: 307-766-3298


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Support, Reporting, and Resources

If you or someone you know is a survivor of sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, relationship abuse, or stalking, please know you are not alone and support is available. Students can receive support for their wellbeing, academic success, and address safety concerns through the Dean of Students Office without needing to make a formal complaint to the University or law enforcement. Below you will find information on reporting, University policies, and supportive resources on campus and in the community. 


  • Confidential Advocates:

    • The Albany County SAFE Project operates a 24-hour hotline for victims and survivors of sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, stalking, child abuse, and elder abuse. They provide crisis support, emergency shelter and material assistance, and advocacy and referrals. The Campus Services Advocate can also support you in navigating a report and investigation process with law enforcement or the University.  You can also drop by their office in Knight Hall 117 if you would like to talk to someone in person, call 307-766-3434 or 307-745-3556 (hotline) 

  • Counseling options:

    • The University Counseling Center provides free confidential counseling to students. Students can go to the office in Knight Hall, room 341, to make an appointment and speak with a counselor. 

    • The UW Psychology Center provides free, trauma-specific therapy to students and other university community members. Please call or email to set up an initial appointment with a therapist.

  • Medical care:

    • SANE Exam: Students who would like a forensic examination ("rape kit") should go to the Ivinson Memorial Hospital ER to see a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner.

    • Student Health Services provides free, confidential medical services to students with a range of concerns. Services include reproductive exams and STI testing.

  • The Albany County Crime Victim Witness Program provides information and updates to anyone who has reported a crime to University of Wyoming Police Department, Laramie Police Department, or the Albany County Sheriff. 

A confidential advocate from SAFE Project can assist you in determining if you want to make a report to the University or to law enforcement. 
  • Report It
    • Phone number: 307-766-5200
    • The EORR Office and Title IX Coordinator manages investigations and complaints involving sexual and interpersonal violence and provides oversight over University policy (Title IX). Their team works closely with the Dean of Students Office when incidents involve University students. 
  • UW CARES referral
  • Dean of Students Office
    • 307-766-3296
    • The Assistant Dean of Students/Deputy Title IX Coordinator responds to reports of sexual and interpersonal violence involving students. 
Law Enforcement reporting

If you have questions about how UW will manage a report of sexual and/or interpersonal violence, please contact the Dean of Students Office at 307-766-3296, or contact the Equal Opportunity Report and Response Office at 307-766-5200 or

The Equal Opportunity Report and Response Office oversees policies that set forth resources available to students, describes prohibited conduct, and establishes procedures for responding to sexual misconduct incidents (including sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking, sexual harassment, and other unwelcome sexual behavior).

The Student Code of Conduct outlines definitions of prohibited conduct - including sexual and interpersonal violence - and processes for investigation and adjudication

Contact Us

Dean of Students Office

Knight Hall 128

Dept. 3135, 1000 E. University Dr.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-3296

Fax: 307-766-3298


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