from Chapter III of Spatial Analysis of Ecological Factors Related to Grasshopper Population Dynamics in Wyoming
Vegetation Map | Precipitation Map | Elevation Map | Evapotranspiration Map | Soil Map
New Figure. Detailed soil association map of Wyoming replaces Figures 6 & 7 in Chapter
III. The eastern plains soil associations are all shades of green, with the exception
of P-1 (which is brown- for the sandhill soils), and are labeled with a P-#: P-1 =
Torripsamments; P-2 & P-3 =Torrifluvents-Haplargids & Torrifluvents-Haplargids-Torriorthents
(River valleys); P-4 = Torriorthents, shallow; P-5 = Torriorthents-Haplargids; P-6
= Torriorthents-Torriorthents, shallow; P-7 = Torriorthents-Torriorthents, shallow-Rock
Outcrop; P-8 = Torriorthents; P-9 = Argisustolls; P-10 = Torriorthents, fine, acid;
P-11 = Torriorthents-Argisustolls; P-12 = Torriorthents-Argisustolls-Haplustolls;
P-13 = Haplargigs-Paleargids-Torriorthents; P-14 = Haplargigs-Torriorthents; P-15
= Torriorthents-Haplargigs-Camborthids; P-16 = Argisustolls-Haplustolls; P-17 = Haplustolls-Argisustolls-Torripsamments;
P-18 = Haplustolls-Argisustolls-Torriorthents; P-19 = Haplargigs; P-20 = Argisustolls-Haplustolls-Torrifluvents;
P-21 = Torriorthents, fine-Torrifluvents.
Fig. 1 (Updated from the 1960-93 map) Spatial distribution of rangeland grasshopper
outbreaks in Wyoming from 1944 to 1994, with no data for 1982, 1983 or 1984 (Schell
1994). White = no recorded infestations; light shading = 1-2 yr infested; dark shading
= 3-4 yr infested; purple = 5 yr infested; blue-green = 6-7 yr infested; red = 8-9
yr infested; orange =10-11 yr infested; yellow = 12-21 yr infested; black = state
and county borders.