University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)-766-1121
The advising appointment may feel like a whirlwind, so it’s important to come prepared. How to make the most of your advising session?
Check for holds that prevent registration:
Click Student Records > Holds. Take care of removing registration holds prior to your registration date.
Use the 4 year degree plans to help you determine which courses you should take.
Review required courses by using your Degree Evaluation
Plan your tentative class schedule
Students are advised and register based on class standing or priority groups.
Coming to your advising appointment with a preliminary schedule (or several ideas) saves time for discussing other issues and ensuring your schedule is as good as it can be.
Bridge Students:
Your advisor is located in the Advising, Career, and Exploratory Studies office:
Knight Hall 222, 307-766-2398.
College of Arts and Sciences:
Your advisor is located in the A&S Advising Center, in the basement of the east wing of Ross Hall, 307-766-4013,
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources:
Your advisor is located in the College of Agriculture Building Room 160 C, 307-766-4135,
College of Education:
You advisor is located in the Teacher Preparation and Advising Office, Room 100 McWhinnie Hall, Phone: (307) 766-2230,
College of Business
Academic Advising is located in the Peter M. & Paula Green Johnson Student Success Center, Lower Level 1, (307) 766-UBIZ (8249),
College of Engineering and Applied Science:
The CEAS Academic Advising Center is located in Engineering Building Room 2085.
College of Health Sciences:
UW Pre-Professional Health Advising, HS Room 110, (307) 766-3878,
Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources:
Bim Kendall House, 804 E Fremont St., (307) 766-5080,
School of Energy Resources:
The Advising and Career Center, 307-766-6879,
University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)-766-1121