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University of Wyoming

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie , WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5688

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What are Home Modifications?

Home modifications are changes made to one's home, that make daily activities easier. As we age, having a well-adapted home that meets our individual needs is important. Many homes however, are not designed with this in mind. Home modifications meet this need, and allow us to remain active and in hour homes longer.

Home modifications can range from...

  • small fixes such as installing grab bars and improving lighting to
  • larger transformations, like installing a wheelchair ramp or widening doorways.

Our team has conceptualized home modifications as existing within five general categories:

  • Additive: Includes features that are added to home environments to increase safety, such as grab bars, assistive devices, and increased/better lighting sources
  • Subtractive: Modifications that come about as a result of removing hazards, such as taking up throw-rugs or removing clutter
  • Behavioral: Includes instruction to individuals about how to better interact with the home environments (i.e., changing risky behaviors)
  • Rearrangement: Arranging the home environment to better fit the changing physical needs of the individual (e.g., rearranging furniture)
  • Transformative: Includes modifications that are large, often expensive, and may include renovations (e.g., widening doorways to accommodate wheelchairs/walkers, or adding ramps)


The Wyoming Home Modification Action Coalition (WYHMAC) operates with the mission "To promote safety, independence and quality of life of Wyoming residents, through increased access to Home Modifications." We're working to strengthen connections and create a unified network of care, to enable adults' ability to remain in their homes and age in place.

To understand more about WYHMAC, Home Modifications, and their efficacy view our Q1 Stakeholder Meeting.

Download our What are Home Modifications flyer.

Contact Us

University of Wyoming

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie , WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5688

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