Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Agreement
The University of Wyoming recognizes the critical importance of protecting the privacy of individuals and securing the confidentiality of all university records.
Employees of the Division of Information Technology (IT) will make appropriate efforts to protect and secure university data and information.
IT positions frequently have privileged access to computing systems, applications, databases, network monitoring tools and other equipment that may contain records and
information that are private and confidential in nature. As an employee of the University of Wyoming’s Division of Information Technology, I may be entrusted with such
privileged access and encounter or have access to sensitive, confidential or proprietary information whether or not it is labeled or identified as such.
I acknowledge the sensitive and confidential nature of information concerning University of Wyoming employees, students, alumni, donors, vendors, and other members of the
University of Wyoming community. I understand and agree that this information may only be disclosed with proper authorization and in the exercise of my designated duties.
(For a partial listing of federal, state, and university regulations pertaining to Information Technology positions see the IT Confidentiality page.)
I agree not to use any access or information available to me in the course of my duties to engage in any activity that conflicts with the interests of the University of
Wyoming or use any access available to me to provide information to others engaged in any activity that conflicts with the interests of the University of Wyoming.
Specifically, with respect to university computing systems, networks, records, files, email and other information, I agree that I will treat all confidential information as
such by respecting the privacy of users, the integrity of the systems and the related physical resources, and I will:
- Access, copy, or store data solely in performance of my job responsibilities, limiting perusal of contents and actions taken to the least necessary to accomplish the
- When providing direct services to users, copy or store data or information only with the user’s consent and only to complete a specified task, and only to copy and store
user data for long enough to complete the specified task.
- Not seek personal benefit or permit others to benefit personally from any data or information that has come to me through my work assignments.
- Not make or permit unauthorized use of any information in the university’s information systems or records.
- Not enter, change, delete or add data to any information system or file outside of the scope of my job responsibilities.
- Not intentionally or knowingly include or cause to be included in any record or report, a false, inaccurate or misleading entry.
- Not intentionally or knowingly alter or delete or cause to be altered or deleted from any records, report or information system, a true and correct entry.
- Not release university data other than what is required for the completion of my job responsibilities.
- Not exhibit or divulge the contents of any record, file or information system to any person except as required for the completion of my job responsibilities.
- Take every reasonable precaution to prevent unauthorized access to any passwords, user identifications, or other information that may be used to access university
information systems or records.
- Limit access to information contained in or obtained from the systems to authorized persons.
- Report any incidents of my non-compliance with the terms of this agreement to my supervisor.
I further agree not to independently contract to perform or provide information technology services to other UW entities while employed by the Division of Information
Technology, or to use university resources in the delivery of privately contracted services. I understand university resources include time, equipment, computers, tools,
software, phone, email or other items that are provided by or acquired through my relationship as an employee of the State of Wyoming and the University of Wyoming.
I understand and agree that my failure to comply with the terms of this agreement will have consequences and may result in disciplinary action up to immediate termination
and criminal prosecution, depending upon the infraction's severity, evidence of my intentions, and the sensitivity and scope of the information compromised.
By signing and dating this agreement in the spaces provided below, I certify that I have read this agreement, that I agree to its terms, and that the agreement remains in
effect continuously for the duration of my employment by the University of Wyoming. I also agree that, when my employment with the University of Wyoming ends, I will not
keep in my possession, recreate or deliver to anyone else, any confidential, sensitive, or proprietary information whether or not it is labeled as such that I acquired
while employed by the University of Wyoming.
Signature __________________________________________ Date _______________
Name (please print) ______________________________________________________
Current Position