College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Ray Fertig

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Room 1072, Engineering Building
University of Wyoming
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dept. 3295
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307.766.3647

Ray Fertig's Research page.

Ray Fertig


Ph.D. in Materials Science, Cornell University, 2010
M.S. in Materials Science, Cornell University, 2005
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Wyoming, 2003
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics, University of Wyoming, 2001

Professional Experience

Associate Professor, 2017-, Mechanical Engineering, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
Assistant Professor, 2011-2017, Mechanical Engineering, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
Senior Applied Research Engineer, 2008-2011, Firehole Composites, Laramie, WY
Computational Science Intern, 2007, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA
Visiting Scientist, November 2005, Max Planck Institut fur Metallforshung, Stuttgart, Germany
Graduate Research Assistant, 2003-2008, Materials Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Graduate Research Assistant, 2002-2003, Mechanical Engineering, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

Research Interests

Dislocation dynamics simulations, multiscale constitutive modeling, physics-based modeling of composite fatigue and failure, failure and durability of ceramics and ceramic matrix composites.

Selected Publications

Madenci, E., A. Barut, A. Yaghoobi, N. Phan, and R. S. Fertig III (2021) Combined Peridynamics and Kinetic Theory of Fracture for Fatigue Failure of Composites Under Constant and Variable Amplitude Loading, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 112:102824.

Hankins, S. N. and R. S. Fertig III (2021) Methodology for Optimizing Composite Design via Biological Pattern Generation Mechanisms, Materials and Design, 197:109208.

Bhuiyan, F. H., S. H. R. Sanei, and R. S. Fertig III (2020) Predicting Variability in Transverse Effective Elastic Moduli and Failure Initiation Strengths in UD Composite Microstructures Due to Randomness in Fiber Location and Morphology, Composite Structures, 237:111887.

Anderson, E. M., F. H. Bhuiyan, D. J. Mavriplis, and R. S. Fertig III (2019) Adjoint-Based High-Fidelity Aeroelastic Optimization of Wind Turbine Blade for Load Stress Minimization, AIAA Journal, 57(9):4057-4070.

Elwardany, M., G. King, J. P. Planche, C. Rodenzo, D. Christensen, R. S. Fertig III, K. Kuhn, and F. H. Bhuiyan (2019) Internal Restraint Mechanism for Age-Induced Pavement Surface Damage: Block Cracking and Raveling, Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, 88

Brinckmann, S., N. Patra, J. Yao, T. H. Ware, C. P. Frick, and R. S. Fertig III (2018) Stereolithography of SiOC polmer-derived ceramics filled with SiC micronwhiskers, Advanced Engineering Materials, 20(11):1800593.

Bhuiyan, F. H. and R. S. Fertig III (2018) Predicting matrix damage and delamination fatigue in fiber-reinforced polymer composites using kinetic theory of fracture, International Journal of Fatigue, 117:327-339.

Morrison, A. C., M. R. Garnich, and R. S. Fertig III (2017) Reliability analysis of a woven composite pi-joint structure, Journal of Composite Materials, 51(29):4101-4114.

Sanei, S. H. R., E. J. Barsotti, D. A. Leonhardt, and R. S. Fertig III (2017) Characterization, sythnetic generation, and statistical equivalence of composite microstructures, Journal of Composite Materials51(13):1817-1829.

Jensen, E. M. and R. S. Fertig III (2016) Physics-based Multiscale Creep Strain and Creep Rupture Modeling for Composite Materials, AIAA Journal, 54(2):703-711.

Sanei, S. H. R. and R. S. Fertig III (2016), Length-scale dependence of variability in epoxy modulus extracted from composite prepreg, Polymer Testing, 50:297-300.

Fertig III, R. S. and S. Nickerson (2015), Towards prediction of thermally induced microcrack initiation and closure in porous ceramics, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 99(2):581-588.

Sanei, S. H. R., and R. S. Fertig III (2015) Uncorrelated Volume Element for Stochastic Modeling of Microstructures Based on local fiber volume fraction variation, Composites Science and Technology 117:191-198.

Frensemeier, M., J. S. Kaiser, C. P. Frick, A. S. Schneider, E. Artzt, R. S. Fertig III, and E. Kroner (2015) A novel approach towards temperature-induced switchable adhesion using nickel-titanium-polydimethylsiloxane hybrid surface, Advanced Functional Materials 25(20):3013-3021.

Jensen, E. M., D. A. Leonhardt, and R. S. Fertig III (2015), Effects of Thickness and Fiber Volume Variations on Composite Strain Field Homogeneity, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 69:178-185.

Hoyt, A. J., C. M. Yakacki, R. S. Fertig III, R. D. Carpenter, and C. P. Frick (2015), Monotonic and cyclic loading behavior of porous scaffolds made from poly(para-phenylene) for orthopedic applications, accepted for publication in Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 41:136-148.

Malusare, K. A. and R. S. Fertig III. (2014), On composite interaction energy and constituent average stresses to predict composite failure, AIAA Journal, 52(11): 2455-2461.

Fertig III, R. S. and S. P. Baker (2012) Capture cross-section of threading dislocations in thin films. Materials Science and Engineering A, 551: 67-72.

Fertig III, R. S. and S. P. Baker (2011) Threading dislocation interactions in an inhomogeneous stress field: A statistical model, Scripta Materialia, 65(5): 384-387.

Fertig III, R. S. and D. J. Kenik (2011) “Predicting composite fatigue life using constituent-level physics,” Proceedings of the 52nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Denver, CO, April 4-7, 2011. AIAA 2011-2477.

Fertig III, R. S. and S. P. Baker (2010) Dislocation dynamics simulations of dislocation interactions and stresses in thin films.Acta Materialia 58(15): 5206-5218.

Fertig III, R. S. (2010) “An accurate and efficient method for constituent-based progressive failure modeling of a woven composite,” Supplemental Proceedings: Volume 2: Materials Characterization, Computation, Modeling, and Energy, Seattle, WA, February 14-18, 2010. TMS, pp. 223-230.

Fertig III, R. S. and S. P. Baker (2009) Simulation of dislocations and strength in thin films: A review. Progress in Materials Science, 54(6): 874-908.

Fertig III, R. S. (2009) "Bridging the gap between physics and large-scale structural analysis: A novel method for fatigue life prediction of composites," SAMPE Fall Technical Conference Proceedings, Wichita, KS, October 19-22, 2009.

Fertig III, R. S. and M. R. Garnich (2004) Influence of constituent properties and microstructural parameters on the tensile modulus of a polymer/clay nanocomposite, Composites Science and Technology, 64(16): 2577-2588.

Scientific and Professional Societies

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
American Ceramic Society
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Materials Research Society
Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering

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